Who were the "ANUNNAKI"? WHY ARE WE HERE?: A Scary Truth Behind the Original Bible Story

So who where the Anunnaki? Does this have any validity to the original book called “Enoch” and why did Martin Luther not include this text during the great reformation of the Church?

Of course these are just some questions I have regarding this fascinating look into a much misunderstood Biblical historical subject matter that is rarely discussed.

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Martin Luther did not know ancient Sumerian, and so he had no idea.

There’s also a term “Anak” and plural “Anakim” in the Book of Numbers, which is closer to original “Anunnaki” meaning “those from heaven to earth came.”

Translating “Anunnaki” into Hebrew “Nephilim” is a problem, because it implies someone who “fell” morally causing further mistranslation as “fallen angels.”

Anunnaki simply means someone who arrived on a space ship or UFO from up above. Peopel had no idea that there’s such place as “outer space” because they thought sky was the limit, so to speak.

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Are the possible “Ancient Astronauts” or a deity ordained by a higher being such as God?

Gods among the Sumerians were real. They were real beings of flesh and blood who walked among humans.

What scared the Sumerians most was not the bodily size of the Gods, but their technology: Their flying vehicles and laser guns which would evaporate things on the spot. (I made up the latter. LOL)

Interestingly, these Gods always carried something called “man bags” which gave them power and wisdom.

These man bags were carved in stone in the Middle East as well as in Meso-America.

Was Goliath among them? They certainly were described as giants. I thought Nephilim were the predecessor to the…???

Goliath was just a freak, I think.
In every nationality, giants are born off and on.
I heard giants are buried in the mounds along the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. But the Smithsonian’s are doing their worst to hide them.

Yes, the descendents of the Anunnaki are usually tall, so are the Anakim in the Book of Numbers.

If you look at the drawings and stone reliefs of ancient Egypt and Babylon, “gods” appear much larger than humans.

Goliath was described as a Philistine giant. Many people who I have come across in discussion the book of Enoch claim that Goliath was from a tribe of giants associated with the Philistines whose origins and genetics was obtained when Deities were mating with humans. Now whether that is true or not leaves this open to interpretation, however I do believe there was such a race that became extinct.

The Philistines were the so-called Sea People who were very warlike and invaded and conquered parts of Palestine and Egypt.
We’re not sure who they were, but most likely Indo-Europeans more or less associated with the Greeks.

Like I was saying, giants crop up in every nationality, and there is a video of a Japanese giant from early 20th century.

His underwear and didgeridoo music are silly. LOL

No Guinness world records for tallest or biggest man huh? Lol!

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