Now, while we’re at it, why not look at things which the attitudes of the Left gift us with? Shall we?
To those swimming in the cesspool of socialistic thought everything seems to be a question of power imbalance these days.
Blacks cannot be racist, some will tell us, because racism is a matter of having power.
Well, when you believe that gobbledegook, and you are black, you can evidence any level of racism you desire and reassure yourself you aren’t a racist. You can even sit there listening to some demagogue rant about digging people up and shooting them again because they didn’t die hard enough the first time and imagine yourself perfect as your (obviously black, if you’re already believing that much) Heavenly Father is perfect.
But that’s just a subset. Not the set. I know because I’ve seen the odd reply of Christians who just happen to be black when they encounter black Israelites (I’m talking about the bunch that says Africans as a group are Israel … not black ■■■■ like Ethiopian ■■■■ … black Israelites are really really looney, and you can quote me on that).
I’ve often prodded SJWs with the fact that they believe the exact same sense of race as the oooold bigots did: that the color of their skin says something ineffiable about who people are, who they can be or even, no especially who they should be.
If there’s a difference at all it’s that the bigots of old did their thing to keep blacks out where SJWs do their thing to keep folks in (not just blacks), and keep them in their little camps where the Left has pidgeoned holed them.
But in the meantime, yes, we’ve got lots of folks asserting that THOSE people can’t be racists because they are “minorities” even as all whites are racists because we have power.
And privilege. Can’t forget the Privileges.
I guess where we, y’all and I come to loggerheads, is we see the same things but our diagnosis is different.