White Woman Shot and Killed by Police in Missouri

So do white lives matter? Hmm lets see if there is any outrage about this life being taken by police?

Meanwhile on the another front of when asking a Democratic Rep Swallow, if all lives matter, and the response is typical. In communistic fashion only the talking point and push forth a narrative, no matter how false it is, is the only objective in a public forum! Classic case. Why you ask is this relative to this story? Think about it! Not having honest conversations and being able to challenge such narratives is bringing us as a country at war with each other.

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Nope. Not anymore. Apparently we have something called “white privilege” which basically means that nothing bad can ever happen to us and even when it does it is somehow less bad than when it happens to anyone who isn’t white.

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If there’s anything I’ve learned from the news the past two weeks, it’s that every single person who is allowed to pass an opinion on how law should be conducted in American society is black and only black.

This story makes little sense and the reports say very little.

Sone stories only mention one cops others say “they.”

I guess we will hear more tomorrow.

White woman; I guess that’s good for 9 lines on page 14.

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We must be patient & wait for Pelosi to comment. But if she does, you can bet it will be the briefest liberal token comment in history.

Why isn’t this national news? Because it will prove that unarmed whites also get killed by police.

It’s called HYPOCRISY; and Liberals are experts at it.

It seems simply common sense that with so much video being recorded there must be a large collection of movies of unarmed white people being shot, or unfairly abused. Perhaps those victims’ families and their friends respect the police too much to publicize such incendiary material?

I imagine there is database of excessive-force lawsuits brought by white people (that aren’t civil-rights protesters). Can we compare the numbers of those to lawsuits brought by black defendants?

I’m not going to hunt for these items because I have no trouble accepting the obvious truth of racist policing.

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Here’s the perspective of a former white supremacist, about his frequent encounters with the police during his teens and early 20s,


I was a violent, white-power skinhead for eight years of my youth during the 1980s and 1990s in Chicago. In those days, encounters with police were commonplace for me. Cops frequently harassed me for getting in fights and pushed me around when I made their shift more difficult. They threatened to make me take my dirty business elsewhere. They weren’t wrong. Though I feared getting locked up for the violence I was involved with and promoting, not once did I fear that my life was in danger. Why? Even though I was a “bad guy,” I was a white man in America.

It was simply outside of his sphere of understanding that, rather than cautioning him or even arresting him, an officer might decide to inflict some “street justice” upon him, or that he would be “misunderstood” to be posing a danger to officer safety merely by virtue of his haircut, tattoos and choice of clothes. As he indicates, he at times received comments from officers that were supportive of his racism.

We can picture scenarios in which white people have to respond to police who are responding to calls that suggest that they may be trying to break into their own homes or cars, but do we picture the possibility that after confirming ownership the officer might arrest a white person for not being sufficiently polite or deferential during the encounter? We can picture white people being pulled over by the police on thin or pretextual cause, but can we picture it happening to somebody who is plainly middle class, half a dozen or more times in a year? We can picture white people who are jogging at an odd time or in an odd place being briefly questioned by the police, but can we picture it happening on a regular basis for people jogging in their own neighborhoods during the daytime? We can picture a potentially unpleasant exchange with an officious security officer or self-appointed neighborhood watchman but, if met with violence or gunfire from such a person, can we picture the police shrugging it off, “It looks like self-defense to me”?

Whether one can rationalize discriminatory policing, policing that is intended to target and inconvenience law-abiding persons, that is intended to be oppressive of people who commit trivial offenses, based upon the notion that their skin color matches a demographic that is statistically more likely to be associated with crime – whether we deem such an approach “race-based” or “racist” – the net effect is to significantly increase the number of police encounters (which inherently means the number of encounters in which things can go wrong), and to create and exacerbate a bad relationship between the police and the policed. It’s all the worse when the heavy-handed tactics endorsed by somebody like cop-worshipper and bootlicker Heather MacDonald have been proved ineffective at actually reducing crime, and where (as indicated by the lack of a call for similar measures, for example, to reduce traffic offenses) the impetus for recommending those tactics is the race of the targeted population as opposed to where the offenses occur.

Yeah, sounds more like confirmation bias on your part because when the numbers are actually looked at your argument falls apart. No need for you to hunt for items. Good one! :rofl:

How about just not resisting arrest and demand a lawyer like any law-abiding citizen would? Dont demand the police to act a certain way when the common denominator of these dead thugs is resisting arrest. Here is a quick recap for you:

What a bunch of nonsense by one of the least reliable sources in MSM today. In other words an opnion piece being paraded as truth when in reality is more fake news. Nice! Great job!

Here is some inconvenient facts for you!

“According to the Justice Department, blacks die of homicide at six times the rate of whites and Hispanics combined. That’s because blacks commit homicide at eight times the rate of whites and Hispanics combined … In the 75 largest counties of the United States, which is where most of the population resides, blacks commit over 50 percent of all violent crime, though they’re 15 percent of the population in those counties,” she said. “These crime disparities are repeated in every big American city. Here in New York, blacks commit 75 percent of all shootings, though they’re 23 percent of the population. How do we know that? That’s what the victims of and witnesses to those shootings, who are overwhelmingly minority themselves, tell the police.”


Statistic: Number of people shot to death by the police in the United States from 2017 to 2020, by race | Statista
Find more statistics at Statista

So much for your racist policing claim! What is racist is screaming and accusing of racism when it doesn’t exist!

“White Privileged “is a Myth! You post modernist are really good at cultural reappropriation when it suits your emotions!

She refused to meet with the Angel Moms. I think that tells you all you need to know.

And if it did exist, all of this mess with looters and rioters is going to make it reality.

Black people complain about being profiled, thanks to these morons it is now going to be more prevalent.