Kelly out. Again, another shake-up coming before the storm. Trump is getting ready for war Jan 1, 2019.
White House Chief of Staff John Kelly is ‘expected’ to resign as soon as TODAY after Trump completely stopped speaking to him – and Pence chief of staff will replace him
Sources told that Kelly is ‘expected’ to leave the White House before the end of the year, and the announcement could come as soon as Friday
His presumed replacement is Nick Ayers, the young chief of staff to Vice President Mike Pence
Ayers is a 36-year-old political wunderkind; Kelly is a 68-year-old decorated vet
Trump and Kelly are no longer on speaking terms
President has been telling aides to reach out to Ayers if they need things
Friday White House senior staff dinner was to serve as an appreciation event for Kelly and other departing senior officials, but news leaked first to CNN
Now if only Trump would purge every single neoconservative from his cabinet and administration. Oh - and about those Obama appointees still occupying seats…yeah.
Latest I get is that Kelly is not going to resign even though he and Trump are not speaking and Trump is telling people to go to Pence’s COS for instruction…
I think this is mostly gossip perpetuated by CNN. They want to seem relevant. No source from the administration has validated this claim and CNN is only using the term “senior WH official” which means it’s probably from the guy in the mailroom.
There does seem to be some considerable tension between the two… more than once it has come to light that either Kelly is cut out of a conversation or he and Trump have … had words.
That is because Trump wants to replace Nielsen as HLS head with Thomas Homan former chief of ICE! It is a controversial move but a wise one on Trumps part if indeed the rumours are true! Kelly and Trump are not in agreement with this because Kelly groomed Nielsen for the current position she holds. Then again, this is all speculation but this is what I read into why there is tension between Kelly and Trump!
“John Kelly will be leaving – I don’t know if I can say ‘retiring,’” Trump said per White House pool reports. “But, he’s a great guy. John Kelly will be leaving at the end of the year. We’ll be announcing who will be taking John’s place… I’ll be announcing that over the next day or two. But, John will be leaving at the end of the year. He’s been with me almost two years now… John Kelly will be leaving toward the end of the year, at the end of the year.”
I worry that is the case. While I would wish Trump to use his position differently, I do not see ANYONE who could replace him for direction or tenacity. Anyone other than Trump is simply a smoothing out the ripples in the swamp and back to the world that was before he was elected. I do think that he was absolutely unprepared for the amount of pure vial that has poured from the left… a fair amount of the ‘right’ and of course from the careerist establishment. I would suppose that even Trump has his limits because I’m not certain that the end of the Mueller investigation would be the end of the haranguing and obstruction that surrounds him… I mean, apparently he didn’t even know about the pending arrest of Meng Wanzhou as he was meeting with XI… willfully withholding pertinent info from the elected president should be treason but nothing much is being said about it.
Much of his agenda has been torpedoed by his own party and I don’t know if, even with his resilience, he has the desire. Rah Rah for the Judicial appointments … I guess that buys the right a few years to do… whatever it is that they wish to do… what ever that is.
Allegedly Ayers is a very ambitious guy and wants the job. It’s also alleged Trump is considering replacing Pence on the ticket for 2020. All rumor of course, but one thing we do know for certain is at least one person on the D ticket will be a woman and/or minority.
Apparently Nick Ayers will not be president Trump chief of staff.
The president is considering current Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Republican Representative Mark Meadows, chairman of the right-wing House Freedom Caucus, one source said.
Personally I’m not sure about Munuchin…I think where he is now is perfect spot for him.
As for Mark Meadows…I do find that intriguing. and of course his seat is safe for conservative replacement.
More interesting part is Nick Ayers going to start pro-Trump super PAC. Which I guess he wanted to spend some time with his family and prepare for Trump reelection in 2020.
His seat is save perhaps but filling his position in the freedom caucus might be a bit more difficult. As for becoming chief of staff… while he ‘might’ fall into the job famously, while that actually advance Trump’s agenda during a time period of democrat supremacy in the House. Trump fell out with the freedom caucus on several different occasions so I don’t know that having one of them as Chief of Staff will alter or support Trump much better than Kelly.