Where does "white supremacist terror" end?

Yet another lie. The intelligence reprts showed as early as 42 it was happening, aerial photography during the war documented the cams and the trains moving them.

Throughout the last two years of the war more and more intel came out on the camps and what was going on in them and then as the allies liberated the camps it was documented in every way possible.

The Germans living near the camps were forced to march through them, view them, document what they saw and then help with the burials and reinternments.

Again it was all documented throughout both series of war crimes trials

Quit repeating such obvious lies.

I don’t disagree with what this soldier is saying but it was from back in 2011. It’s always good to be prepared. But here’s the deal, we in America have the ability to prepare and defend ourselves and the country. The majority of military members won’t fire a shot on their fellow citizens if SHTF. The majority of veterans are armed and prepared to defend themselves, their families, and their communities. America won’t go down without a fight.

You make your argument about the ■■■■ here alot but you really don’t make sense. No one is stopping you from making your argument but you need to be coherent if you want to convince people. You make every thread about the ■■■■■ You can’t stay focused or on point. Personally, I think the AIPAC has way too much lobby power over BOTH parties of our government. I also find it odd that a lot of the anti-white rhetoric is coming from people with ■■■■■■ last names. Do I think the ■■■■ are responsible for everything bad on the planet? No. If you think they are, try making a coherent argument.

I also remember you posting that you are Japanese. Why are you obsessed with American politics?

He is not Japanese, he is from the UK under an assumed pseudonym. His incessant need to post anything and perform mental gymnastics to correlate thread topics here to the ■■■■ is a symptom of a mental disorder more than anything else.

Not only can you not possibly predict that, it has already happened in the passed, and for far less dramatic events than SHTF (whatever that fully means)

24 years in Army infantry. Yeah, I can pretty much predict with absolute certainty that US soldiers will not fire on American citizens.


Well god forbid that we have to see that put to the test, but you’ll be sorely disappointed to find out otherwise.

If the United States Army turned their weapons on the American public, my disappointment would be the last thing that anyone would have to worry about.

It’s not going to happen. I love my infantry brothers. They are the salt of the earth and come from the poorest communities throughout this country. They are not going to kill Americans. It will never happen.

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Like I said, it’s happened in the past, here in America and about the world many a time.

It’s a good thing that the left wing racists don’t bother with serving in the Army then.


The alt right and many other right wing groups, and plenty of members right here on this forum, feel the same way…

I don’t take a bunch of kids trotting around with tiki torches seriously and neither should you.

That’s an easy jab. I don’t think it’s right though. I think many people here, who are white, are tired of getting pushed around because of their race. I count myself among those people. I’m not racist at all and I hate racism which is why I don’t like being pushed around because of my race. I wouldn’t push anyone else around because of their race. It’s not right.

Lol, you may diminish and dismiss it all you like…

In 2015 it (Alt-Right) attracted broader public attention—particularly through coverage on Steve Bannon’s Breitbart News—due to alt-right support for Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.


2015… For all of the negative reports written about the Alt-Right over the past 4 years, very little has come of it outside of one incident in Charlottesville, Virginia which had a lot to do with antifa trying to cause a conflict.

If you want to focus on the real bad guys, focus on antifa.

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It’s an accurate observation, not a jab. It manifests itself here daily, (was the same way at freebird) sometimes nuanced, and sometimes blatant. Sometimes right in peoples avatars. But because of their right wing positions on other things they are rarely if ever called out.

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Antifa is a problem as well. I say focus on both of them.

So what you’re saying is you are a leftist who wants to suppress the speech of others, do I have that right?

But you don’t want to do anything about antifa…because they are on the “right side of history” as far as your concerned, correct?

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How in the world did you come up with that. I don’t want bigots and racists to be denied their first amendment right, but to have it called out when they abuse the right.

I’ve never even seen you before yet you seem to think you know a whole lot about me…:man_shrugging:

I despise Antifa as I do the Alt-Right…

This has been going on for as long as I can remember. They always managed to call conservatives who disagree with the government, white nationalists or terrorists. It never fails. They used that excuse at Ruby Ridge when they killed a mother holding her child. So when I hear this bullshit get applied to the “Alt-Right”, whatever that is, I am immediately suspicious. I think a lot of those morons walking around with tiki torches are doing so because they know they are under attack they just don’t know how to respond. They are misguided kids and nothing more. They know something is wrong they just can’t put their finger on it. So they get the tired old label that the left constantly uses over and over again.

Define the alt-right. Tell me what that means and who the leader is.