When is the Next Recession? SOON!

It won’t last though.

It would take next to nothing to encourage national rivals that now is the time to end the Petrodollar. Once that happens the bankers that really, really matter will no longer be able to get rich off of the churn as inflation steadily consumes what everyone else has built up. At that point the house of cards will fall.

And the Left’s prescriptions will simply be more of the same idiotacy that delivered us over to ruin in the first place. They will only double down on stupidity. They can do nothing else but double down on stupidity.


"The much-anticipated February Employment Situation report was released this morning, showing that total nonfarm payroll employment added 20,000 jobs.

Why was this release much-anticipated? For one, the January Employment Situation report (released in February) was unexpectedly positive, especially in light of the government shutdown. Observers were anxious to know if this represented a trend or was an outlier. Second, other recent signals regarding the US economy had been mixed at best. There was already concern that the current expansion could not last much longer and then the OECD lowered its forecast for world growth. This is bad news for US exporters, particularly in light of the fact that the Commerce Department announced on Wednesday that the US trade deficit is the largest in a decade. In addition, small business confidence hit a two-year low in February."

I have to assume that there will some day come a point when the debt will actually matter. Thus far it hasn’t, and the politicians have been able to keep kicking that can down the road. If/when that day comes there will be - as it says in Bible - weeping and nashing of teeth!

Well, recession or not, and its not a matter of if but when it happens, Americans better be prepared to wear their Orange Vests (America’s version of the Yellow Vest movement because we love hunting and our Guns) and start standing up to stop what is coming next; a complete take over to usher in a socialist state.

A major recession will be used as an excuse which is why we keep hearing people like Fauxcohontas Warren keep repeating the mantra of “Too Big To Fail” in order to reinforce justification that fundamental changes to our Capital institutions is needed. It was recently repeated in the Fed chair Powell congressional hearing.

How do they achieve this you ask?

By this latest action they are making a major power grab in order to insure they have the votes to insure a Democrat wins in 2020 in order to achieve their bigger objective which is to turn America into a socialist country.

This should be a major battle cry to stop this nonsense! I wonder if American’s (the Patriot loving kind) have the stomach to put it on the line, because if they don’t things are really going to get a lot worse than recession.

I am going to be posting this issue in other threads as well, because its alarming to say in the least and should be blasted on every conservative website around the world! This is the major play of the Globalists and we should be battle ready to go to war!

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Remember the days the DNC felt the need to HIDE their 5th columnist ways?

What is their “5th columnist ways”? I am not familiar with that term.

A 5th Column is an old term for domestic subversives and opposed to external foes. These generally undermine the society or the nation, classically serving the interest of some foreign power or agency.

The Useful Idiots of old, as Stalin deemed them, were a kind of 5th Column and likewise those shaped by Cultural Marxism now willingly do their thing without their old Soviet masters, or even for new beneficiaries such as the Muslim Brotherhood … these too are a 5th column. They may not be formally organized but that’s where their indoctrination comes into play.

Really, as has been pointed out elsewhere, though his dystopian vision was compelling Orwell was not as prescient as many think, but rather Huxley showing a society fallen into debauchery through pleasures, reducing all things to trivialities and irresponsibility managed to hit closer to the mark. It was through a Brave New World of the Left that we have ultimately arrived at the point that some folks simply are unable and unwilling to preserve the civilization, maybe even wanting its fall as they prattle on vapidly about Revolution as if magically something worthwhile will just pop up once they’ve torn down what is.

That is interesting perspective and thanks for sharing, as this is thought provoking!

As far as revolution, no matter which side you are on in the dispute, it is the next step when reasonable consensus is not reached to resolve conflicts. I think we are nearing that breaking point soon!

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Love it. Save your money, stocks will be on sale soon.

Again, like climate / happiness / anything else, most things fluctuate in cyclic cycles. When you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail, so enjoy life, responsibly.

Oh believe me I already made my move and am ready!

Can there be “reasonable consensus” when one side want to tear society down that something else may replace it?

And while we’re at it, have you ever heard the story that when Karl read Darwin he hammered off a note to his partner in crime, Engels, saying he’d found something in natural sciences that supported their theories?

Here’s the thought, to clarify why it’s always a revolution with the commies and never just a revolt and it’s done: if there can be natural selection to evolve creatures from one sort to another then there can also be unnatural or manipulated “evolution” too. That Marxism is opposed to human nature is only a bar to it if you cannot somehow breed communist men. The idea of statelessness is utter self serving claptrap: by necessity there would have to be untold generations of overbearing tyranny against what it means to be Man before these new-men communist beings who would be so without constant indoctrination could come into being.

Lysenkoism, or the idea that nature could be encouraged to act more socialistically, didn’t fall as far from the tree as some might want to pretend.

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Retirement portfolio, 50% cash, 50% assets.

Personal portfolio, 30% cash 70% invested.

I would love to reduce my personal portfolio below half however it triggers higher taxes. I continue to move to cash in the retirement portfolio.

That breaking point could easily be the House moving ahead with impeachment proceedings.

It is an interesting meditation. The scale of Japanese government debt is astounding, and yet nobody bats an eyelid allegedly because the majority of their 250%-of-GDP debt is owned by the native Japanese. Therefore the magnitude of American government debt could be viewed in a similar fashion. My personal view, of which I have just reminded myself, is that the house of cards is not threatened until whichever government is unable to make its debt-servicing payments.

If Trump succeeds in reducing the trade deficit the global slowdown will have less of an effect. If imports are replaced by local or indigenous manufacture the economy should hum along nicely. I accept that is a lot of 'if’s.

It isn’t already? It hasn’t been since the Reagan administration? How much longer do we have to go before we’re officially a banana republic? I mean we’ve already lost most of our manufacturing jobs. We’re already bringing in everyone under the sun who is at or below poverty level, unemployed, and barely, if at all, literate. Our government sold us out thirty plus years ago, continues to sell us out today unabated, and the best we can come up with to avert it is electing a man who has already gone back on his campaign promises and has become part of the “establishment” that he railed against to get elected in the first place. Stick a fork in her, this country is done.

So what does that mean? You died inside and gave up? Remind me not to have you in my fox hole, or on my sports team! I hate quitters!

Or until investors demand a risk premium (higher interest rate) to continue purchasing treasuries. Or until investors refuse to buy our debt.

Today we are the prettiest pig in the pen. One day that will change.

Yes, a perceived onset of inability to make debt-servicing repayments will do a lot of damage.

only 20,000 jobs added in February but apparently we need the highest levels of immigration in history to satisfy the labor demands…:ok_hand: