What's the most effective way to kill statism?

So every man is his own ruler…in which I do not disagree, But what are basic laws to keep those rulers from abusing those they seek to rule over?

Tax elected officials at a higher rate than the general population, halve the benefit of any deductions for them as well … when being in government becomes unprofitable to the governors, when they cannot easily feather their nests, they won’t tend to stay endlessly.

Natural laws… knowledge of right and wrong. The “Golden Rule.”
Government exists only to control those it assume authority over and expropriate their wealth. It is reactionary, it doesn’t lead. It inhibits the evolutionary process of human society.
It serves no legitimate purpose.
How is it that the majority of people know not to steal, murder or hold others prisoner, but it is allowed for the state? Where does the state get this authority? It can’t be given by those who do not posses it.

Again you’re assuming all man are good man…or to be fair woman too. Which history has proven beyond all doubt that isn’t the case. There are always going to be opportunist out there that will prey on the weak.

Again I understand where you’re coming from…40 years or so ago I too once believed as you do now. And that shouldn’t be taken as an insult. :wink:

Again I say that you are too dense to discuss this on an adult level.

Enumerated = Listed

Article I Section 8 is A LIST (an ENUMERATION) OF 18 POWERS delegated to the United States Federal Government.

Powers not given to the federal government and not in conflict with prohibitions in the Constitution are left to the States.

Again, get a good book on the Constitution and STUDY IT. I’ve already recommended one to you.

Get back to me in a couple of years when you actually know something of it.

I think you might be jumping ahead. First we need to get him to understand a need for limited goverment…and then educate him why we need to limited said goverment. :wink:


[ih-noo-muh-reyt, ih-nyoo-]



verb (used with object), e·nu·mer·at·ed, e·nu·mer·at·ing.

to mention separately as if in counting; name one by one; specify, as in a list: Let me enumerate the many flaws in your hypothesis.

to ascertain the number of; count.

I suggest you read primary source documents. Hamilton had addressed the tenth amendment in his letter the Congress on the constitutionality of the Bank of the United States…
He stated that the Constitution had implied powers (and resting powers) and this concept was made legal precedence by Chief Justice John Marshall in his decision of McColloch v. Maryland.

Marshall was present at the Virginia ratification debates (I’m sure you’ve read the notes) and voted in favor of the Constitution… but against a Bill of Rights.

Maybe you should read the actual documents and notes instead of the opinions of others.

No. First we need to let him understand how to read and interpret the ENGLISH LANGUAGE. He appears to be illiterate. He is definitely unlearned.

Either that or he’s being deliberately obtuse and playing dumb. Not likely though. I perceive him as uneducated…in more than one way.

LOL point taken…

Still, in the Constitution, it is not stated that the government is limited by the “listed” powers.
You have no argument.

I would point out to you that Hamilton’s opinions only offered while the Secretary of Treasury which contradicted what he and others had told those with the right to ratify the Constitution before it was ratified are spurious.

Hamilton was not the Sovereign to alter the meaning of what had been agreed to by those with the original right to ratify.

If you note those that voted in favor, and those against, the ratification of the Constitution. Those in favor were statists, and those opposed were in favor of individual liberty.
Hamilton also, while Secretary of Treasury, influenced Washington to send 10,000 conscripts to invade the sovereign and independent state of Pennsylvania to collect taxes.
The Constitution created a tyranny.

That is why I first said that Article I Section 8 lists 18 OF THE enumerated powers…meaning there are more than 18 powers.

Keep trying…you’ll catch up someday.