What the HELL is wrong with people?

It’s terrifying… I know this BLM movement will blow over & the millennials will get obsessed with the next trend (probably a new show on Netflix), but this new social order of mass extremism, intolerance, violence & obsession can’t be healthy. I can’t go to the shop right now without being blamed aggressively for the past 400 years of slave labour, simply because I’m a white male going to a food shop instead of a protest. None of them seem stable or mentally capable of a conversation, and I feel could quickly turn violent against me.

It’s a bit like a ■■■ having to pretend to be German. I have to reply with the same words they say to me “BLACK LIVES MATTER!” to avoid violence. Like parrots. It seems like a small thing to have to do but it’s oppressive. I don’t like being forced to say things I don’t want to say.

If it’s this bad now, what will it be like in the future when these same people have more money or power or god forbid work for the government? It’ll happen eventually.

I don’t recognise this world anymore, it’s like an intolerant un-chilled out alien planet. A bit like going forwards in time suddenly but instead of a utopian society, it’s world war 3 and people have de-evolved and are no longer able to think for themselves. It makes you feel so alone.

This is more to your point.


This is terrifying. It’s like the whole world is turning into a cult & if you don’t follow, you’ll be accused of things you didn’t do & end up dead.

I was on a few other forums & people were sharing their stories of anti-black racism. A few people assumed “anti-white racism doesn’t exist”, so I replied to them with my story of anti-white racism. It was a matter of fact post, about my experience with racism. I recognised anti-black racism is more common, made no racist remarks or judgements- simply told what happened. The post was either deleted and/or I was banned permanently from each forum. All the stories about black racism were left online.

It’s no wonder people think anti-white racism doesn’t exist if every time someone tries to talk about it they’re censored. It’s makes one wonder how often it actually happens. Very unhealthy- people who suffer abuse need to be able to talk about it.

This is the only forum so far I’ve been able to get a sensible discussion out of. I feel like I’m soon going to have to get a house far away and have a dog, and stay away from society if it continues like this.


Don’t let the transient phenomena become one’s reality. Take the middle path, between extremes.

“What the HELL is wrong with people”
Is that a rhetorical question?

Jesus said, “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven, is at Hand”

The answer is there.

Causes made in past existences that were beyond people’s conscious memories. It takes epic practice of prayer and meditation to see what they really are.
People reap what they sow. Causes made with body, mouth and mind is cause and effect-Karma and the path is long and ancient. one can take their seat on the platform of the path and all of time, space and mind reveals itself.

The Law (Dharma) of Karma is the core of all phenomena and is the truth beyond distinction.

Ones own birth, parents, siblings, family, race, the country, the time and place is all effects from causes made. If one suffers and are persecuted, or a people genocided or enslaved, it is because they were guilty of the same thing. With pure faith and aspiration, they expiate their Karma even within a single lifetime and are no longer going to backslide, back into the wheel of birth and death and the highest reward awaits them.

Many people think their problems are unfair and come from something outside themselves, but the environment is all a reflection and Karma is justice itself. Complaining about one’s plight is the darkness inherent in Life and that is like a mirror painted black where the true refection of inner spirituality and true identity, is hidden.

in ancient terms this birth is in the Sea of Suffering, on the wheel of birth and death. Rather than seek salvation, enlightenment and liberation, people keep repeating karma, due to the winds of Karma and earthly desire.

People of this time period, in this world, are guilty of slander of the Supreme Law of Cause and Effect. They have slandered this Law.

Buddhas are born throughout time in this and other worlds, under different names in different places to teach the Law, according to the aspirations for enlightenment, at their core all people are potential Buddha’s or Christs, but to reveal this one needs pure faith and assiduous practice, being willing to surrender everything transient, to reveal the true aspect. it is the ultimate sacrifice, but no sacrifice at all.

One’s boundless Bodhisattva mercy, can help lead other’s to the correct path, the sacred narrow and middle way. Everyone has it within. Apology is like soap to wash off dirt of every trial. One must be spotless to enter.


Looking at the past 2 decades I’m not convinced it’s transient. It’s increasing.

Excellent! Pretty awesome commentary.

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Well what a pity that you don’t want to acknowledge the value of black lives…

It was your kind that approved of slavery ,DEMONRATS . Have you forgotten the little FACT ? Did blacks own slaves ? Why did the dems fight so hard to keep slaves ?
" Fact: The Republican Party was founded primarily to oppose slavery , and Republicans eventually abolished slavery . The Democratic Party fought them and tried to maintain and expand slavery . The 13th Amendment, abolishing slavery , passed in 1865 with 100% Republican support but only 23% Democrat support in congress. "


I rarely had problems with blacks or Hispanics and if they respect me I respect them . BUT I refuse to be called a racist because I don’t believe stories about "gentle giant " of Baltimore and the "hands up ,don’t shoot " bullshit . WRONG IS WRONG and attempting to make everything about racism distances the races . These thugs were NOT good people they were in trouble and were up to NO good when the police got involved , nothing to do with racism . More than twice the number of whites are killed by police and no one cares .


They represent cheap labor and nothing more than votes to YOUR KIND !!!

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Well what a pity that you don’t want to acknowledge you don’t need to force people to parrot a sentence to acknowledge the value of black lives… What a pity you don’t acknowledge the value of asian lives… your silence equals consent to anti-asian racism.

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You remember the Freddie Gray case?

Indeed. And many others. But millennials weren’t bored & it wasn’t #ontrend to care about it back then. Today’s protestors were busy with other trends at that time, buying mis-matched earrings if I remember rightly. My outrage at that time fell on deaf ears to the same people protesting today. However, apparently I was the racist one all along.

Racism and it’s manufactured outrage is an expedient means to displace, distract from looking at their true selves as failures. They lived in the contrived images that gave them justification for their self indulgences that fed their addictions. Some people just become prisoners of their own desires in the end. In other words it doesn’t end well for some when their entire existence is based on lies!

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Sorry, I don’t know what Asian you’re talking about, or even why in the context of BLM…:man_shrugging:

More cartoons mocking BLM. Put your hatred and racism right out front for god and all to see. Figured your contrition yesterday would be short lived…

Well what a pity that you don’t want to acknowledge the value of asian lives…

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Pity that you’re moving the topic again to deflect from your deep hatred for black Americans…:man_shrugging:

More mocking comments. Put your hatred of anti-racist people right out front for god and all to see.