What the HELL is wrong with people?

Well if being friends with Bibi makes him a racist…

Well that’s another racist lie… the fact I’m white does not mean I espouse racism.

At least you acknowledge espousing racism…:roll_eyes:

That’s quite true, and I never stated such an idiotic point. Your cartoons mocking black people/BLM is what makes you a racist.

That’s quite true, and I never posted any cartoons mocking black people/BLM. The fact you assume I did is what makes you a racist.

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You only have perhaps a dozen of them here.

Well monte, as promised, here is your RACISM test:

State “racist” or “non-racist” next to the following. Any answers that do not contain “racist” or “non racist” are automatically failed.

  1. White person calls a black person a “thug” for assaulting someone.
  2. White person calls a white person a “thug” for assaulting someone.
  3. Black person calls a white person a “stupid whitie” because of the colour of his skin.
  4. White person calls a black person an “idiot” because he walks into a wall.
  5. Black person calls a white person a “fool” because he walked into a lamp post.
  6. White person says “all black people are inferior & white people superior.”
  7. White person says about a black guy “that guy is inferior because he punches women.”
  8. White person says about a black guy “that black guy is inferior because he punches women.”
  9. Black person says about a white guy “that white guy is inferior because he punches women.”
  10. White person calls black person “stupid black” for tripping over the sidewalk.
  11. White person says “I love all black people & dislike all white people”.
  12. Black person says to black person “what are you friends with those white people for?”

Pre-requisite revision:

You’re confusing cartoons mocking protestors in general, with cartoons mocking black people/BLM. By singling out white people and falsely accusing them of racism, you’re espousing your own form of racism.

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Well that’s just it, the fact that America is racially and ethnically diverse is exactly what has racists and bigots fit to be tied. Enter Trump, the guy y’all want to fix that for you…

What Montecrusty is too stupid to realise is that by singling out white people and falsely accusing everyone here as being racist is that he is espousing his own brand of racism! Can we cite the definition of a hypocrite? Just shows what one will do to expose their own level of inferior thinking not realising they are defeating their own make believe causes! Montecrusty is a white male desperately wanting to be black :sweat_smile:


That’s a good thing…

Green is when you eat bad chili after drinking a 48 pack of cheap beer . :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


We all know that by now . Monty is a master at generalizing , making ALL police b ad because of less than 1/10 of 1% . ALL whites are racist and all black are oppressed even the multi- millionaires . ALL whites are responsible for slavery . ALL republicans are racist . ALL demonRATS are for the people . AND Monty believes in unicorns, money trees , and pixie dust ! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I think he just has zero understanding of the bell curve that can be applied to any metric of any large sample.

Though there are many shades of grey between pure white and totally black, he sees only black or white.

That is what’s wrong with lot’s of people.


In this professing Christian nation, you are an exception…

You’re still missing the point though Monte- he isn’t racist.

Your test is still to be completed… are you so afraid of debate that you don’t want to complete it?

Here it is for you Montecresto:

Monte are you denying there were black slave owners??? How well did southern blacks do after Federal troops left and Dems regained control of state governments.
Have you forgotten about the injustice American Indians suffered from broken treaties their land stolen and placed on those great reservations. Maybe we should have done that with blacks.Don’t forget about the Chinese, Italians and Irish to mention a

few that also were discriminated against . Stop the cocodile tears about these poor blacks
Where theFUK are these black celebrities and athletes at besides counting their money.They should be in the cities where black on black crime occurs as often as the sun rises in the east and Rev. AL is a a great role model for young black clergymen.

I haven’t bought the book, but Texe Marrs recommended it as an accurate account.



You’re no professor, and I’m certainly not your student, and I’ve been debating here long before you showed up…:roll_eyes:

No, why would I do that???:man_shrugging: