What is the Federal Government hiding?

I also heard that you should never go up the stairs placed in the middle of woods.

Stairs In Woods & National Parks - Real, Or Hoax? - YouTube

Earth is getting a black box to record our climate change actions, and it’s already started listening

Ask any climate scientist what happens when warming breaches 2C, and they’ll almost invariably tell you it’s not worth thinking about. More dem BS and cash cow .

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Interesting. The vast majority of “climate scientists” are not scientists but officials of one government agency or another.

Yep, something in a black box is breathing and moving about.

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Take it or leave it.

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Some things are meant to be hidden (from the people). Remainder of ancient advanced civilization.

It sounds scary if new DNA is being created.
This defies the Darwinian evolution theory, but it’s OK because Darwin was full of sh-t.

But why is the US Government so determined to hide everything?

The term “Michigan Dogman” is misleading. The creature has been witnessed not only in Canada but also from California to Maine, and from Floriada to Washington State.