That is funny that Antonio Gramsci is mentioned. I just put the finishing touches on a chapter of my book that was the most exhaustive in terms of years of research, and Gramsci is mentioned quite a few times when relating to Post Modernism. He was part of a select club that resided at the “Frankfurt Institute” or Organization known for pushing Marxist ideologies under the guise of Post Modernist studies aka cultural studies.
“My Truth” = “ Moral Relativism” Objective Vs Subjective truth. Life and death struggle for some.
It does! Which is why so many are turning to faith based ideologies particularly Christianity, to get clarity and a sense of peace in a Godless world. Karl Marx was a satanist and has killed more people than any other dictator before and after his life. Everything that God loves Satan tries to destroy and the progressives are no exception when it comes to the latter equation of being destructive entities in the servitude of evil.