Alexander Hamilton wrote in the Federalist , the United States had the opportunity to establish a government founded on “reflection and choice” rather than on “accident and force.”
The Declaration of Independence claims to derive its authority from certain self-evident truths. Do we still believe in them?
Do we still believe, as the Declaration maintains, that human nature, is accessible to human reason?
That human reason can ascertain the “Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” and certain self-evident truths, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their powers from the consent of the governed?
I think some of us still believe this. Unfortunately, there is less of us every year… because we are dying off. The new generatations are indoctrinated in school from a very early age to find their own country in contempt of virtually everything. This ensures that America will become just another third world country in the future, as the Constitution is forgotten and despised by the “new breed”. Yes, America has it’s faults, has done and continues to do some rather shady things around the world… and to it’s own citizens for power and money.
That doesn’t change the fact that there is no other place that offers what America offers for it’s citizens. Why else would millions flood the border to get here? Too bad that “dream” is already dead, IMO.
Hamilton had little influence on the Constitution itself, he played an important role in its ratification. Along with James Madison and John Jay, Hamilton published a series of 85 essays defending the new document to the American people.
Hamilton wrote no fewer than 51 of these Federalist Papers, and they would become his best-known writings.
As there was no banking system at the time, seeking to provide lasting financial stability for the new nation, Hamilton argued for the importance of a national banking system. Bankster, not even close, globalist didn’t exist at the time.
The history of England (and thus America) is stained with banking shenanigans… from the time of William the Conqueror. I’m sure George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were aware of this history.
Don’t Neocons (mouthpieces of the moneyed few) pretend that they represent the interests of the American majority?
Notably Blinken and Victoria Nudelman.
Hamilton, insisting on a “national bank” or central bank was either an honest patriot or two-faced liar.
I killed the bank.
You cannot love your country and the banks at the same time.