What did you get from the democrat convention

Don’t count the chickens before they hatch.
Dems are determined to rig the election.

The media claims Trump is “trailing”.
Huh? Biden more popular?
The media is preparing for the big rig.

Trump: ‘The only way we’re going to lose this election is if the election is rigged’

The globalists will do anything to win. I can’t wait for Project Blue Beam and a fake Flying Saucer to land in Central Park and announce that the Space Aliens support Biden.

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Oh come on, that’s ridiculous. Trump is a lock now that this third party ticket will siphon votes from Biden

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WATCH: DNC Caucuses Omit ‘Under God’ From The Pledge Of Allegiance

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Bloomberg is a total hypocrite.

I got that Michelle Obama is a transvestite human-chimpanzee chimera.


Oh no!
Please don’t insult the chimpanzees.

Trump will NOT put up with that bullshit if he wins the second term , he will unleash hell on those bastards !!!


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It is supremely irritating to have Democratic hypocrites call for unity and promise to “bring the nation together” while denouncing the incumbent president as akin to a Nazi all while failing even to mention, much less criticize, the urban mob violence they have helped provoke and have effectively condoned.

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The only way to prevent more fakery impeachments will be to charge them all with Treason and lock them all up with airtight evidence. Do honest attorney exist in Wash DC? There must be some.

Why isn’t he doing that NOW?

Why wait for the second term, which may not become a reality, if Dems rig enough votes?

Do illegal shit all the time
Media and courts they own cover for it
They get away with it

Uuuuhhhhh we can’t do anything effective, that would be illegal.

Welcome to why you fucking lose all the time.


Unfortunately the dems speaking from the podium are protected by law.

Harry Reid lied about Romney and his taxes from the podium. Th media picked up th story and blasted it across the nation repeated over and over until it was deemed true.

After the election it was proven a lie however Obama won, Reid was asked why he lied, his response, because we can and we won.

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Well we need a new law requiring all political speech be audited with lie detectors and onstage, guillotine chambers

A law removing the protection of the podium would be an easy solution, lie and you are sued for millions.

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