So in your opinion, America is in a state of decline based upon a racial element?
Yeah too late, they do…
No, probably not in the sense you mean it.
Any country which is tribally-diverse (I use the word ‘tribe’ instead of ‘race’, because what is significant about ‘race’ is that most people make it their primary identity – as opposed, to, say ‘handedness’. But ‘race’ --however you define it – is not the only primary identity element. In some countries, it’s ‘religion’. Genetically, Serbs and Croats and Bosniaks are probably very similar. But they kill each other with the same enthusiasm that different ‘races’ do. In sub-Saharan Africa, from a European viewpoint, there is just one race … but the different tribes there slaughter each other regularly.)
Starting over, any country which is blessed [attention: this is irony] with ‘diversity’ has natural fracture lines. In almost all countries where this is the case – except where one tribe is the overwhelming majority and keeps it that way – they have periodic slaughters, and occasionally, civil war.
America has been the exception … so far. American patriotism, and American prosperity, have held everyone together … so far.
Asians have no chance of having their own country, so they are (wisely) resigned to being the model minority whatever happens.
The general Black cultural level is too low for them to sustain their own country, although this has periodically been the ostensible goal of some of them – eg. The Republic of New Afrika. And it was the insane demand of the CPUSA for a long time – ‘self-determination’ for the so-called ‘Black Belt’-- a crazy mechanical application of a demand that made sense in Czarist Russia.
The Hispanics could in theory fight for the return of the ‘reconquista’ areas to Mexico. But they’re (rightly) ashamed of Mexico, with its deep-rooted corruption. So Hispanic radicals in the past invented a mythical country called ‘Aztlan’.
White ethno-nationalists dream of a racially-pure territory, which wouldn’t have the potential instability of a multi-racial one – not to mention the crime rate, etc. But to get there, there would have to be a massive civil war.
Nonetheless, the insane Left are working as hard as they can to open up the racial fracture lines. They think the last fifty years of “we’re all equal” indoctrination of whites is permanent. But it’s only skin deep. If they succeed in making ‘race’ the big issue, the legitimate object of everyone’s identity politics … they won’t like the result. Especially if there is a civil war which drives the races apart geographically – becuase self-hating white progressives will not be welcome anywhere.
America has defied gravity on the racial issue, and I hope we can continue to do so. We must emphasize, and double down on, patriotism, patriotism, patriotism. All Americans, together.
The only real anti-racism.
Yes, you’re probably right.
But it would have been very very very hard, even with our (short-lived) monopoly of nuclear weapons.
And politically it would have been impossible. Even racist Southern Democrats were praising Stalin on the floor of the American Congress.
What happened was inevitable.
We could have been a lot smarter in the way we fought the Russians … maybe … just maybe … we could have offered some sort of deal that allowed the other East European countries to be ‘Finlandized’, as Austria was (where the Red Army withdrew, in return for Austrian neutrality). We might have been able to make Asian Titos of Ho and Mao.
Well … hindsight is always 20/20.
Now we’ve got to shake off the chains of empire, give up the insane dreams of bringing liberal democracy to warring tribes that hate each other almost as much as they hate us, and get down to business at home.
Well there’s a hell of a lot to unpack in that long winded commentary, not meant to be a negative.
America is young when compared with the majority of the rest of the world so it stands to reason that we’ve not experienced a lot of the problems and strife that the rest have. I too see it coming, though I don’t put the emphasis on racial/tribal causes as much as you do but it’s in there…
The biggest threat I see to the unity and harmony of American society is CHANGE. And change is the only constant in the universe and the only thing that humans can’t really fully control…Many things happen just because, just because all the moving parts align in one fashion or another at a particular time. Technology gets added to the mix, mobility and the speed of mobility, trade, cooperation and before you know it the world gets smaller and smaller, EVERYTHING moves quicker and quicker and there’s a certain segment of society, no matter where they live, whether based on personality types or DNA composition, or something else, that just don’t like it, are threatened by it, uncomfortable…
Unfortunately they don’t see it for what it is, as I’ve just been describing, but rather as an orchestrated and grand scheme (a conspiracy) and a sinister one at that. The natural progression of what I’ve been talking about is seen as more deliberate, take for example the coined phrases of the “new world order” or “globalization”. Rather natural developments in this ever changing world I’ve been describing, but viewed by a growing number of people as a plot, and one who’s designers nurture well beyond their lives, and for generation after generation. Quite ambitious and extremely forward thinking
This is why there’s been some push against it in a few European countries, the US, a couple South American countries…with populism, nationalism and a bit more introverted thinking…
I don’t know how it all ends, but when you talk about civil war, are you thinking that if we (heaven forbid) revisited that solution to our problems again that it would be another organized and may I say gentlemen’s civil war as the first, with uniformed, trained armies who follow the rules of war, largely leaving civilians out of the fray? Or do you envision a much more chaotic and nasty affair lacking leadership, discipline and vision? More of a free for all?
War, is wholly unnecessary and the planet would be so much better off if humans were as they see themselves through the blood of Christ and the various other religious ways that humans view themselves around the world…instead of the selfish, hateful, greedy bastards that we all are. War should be obsolete, and if the resources that have been squandered throughout the human experience had been better put to use providing for and caring for humanity, we’d be such a beautiful place. So I don’t even like to discuss the better/smarter ways in which wars could have and should have been prosecuted. They’re all folly…
Yes, I know it’s long. And I know that very few read long screeds.
A couple of points: yes the world is changing rapidly, and yes, a certain amount of globalization is inevitable, and even good.
The time may come, generations in the future, when national boundaries are as relevant as state boundaries are in the US today, and war will be something that our descendants read about the way we do about human sacrifice today … with a mixture of disgust and disbelief.
But we are far from that future now. We cannot jump over our heads.
I don’t know what’s coming … no one knows the future. What I do know is that a nation whose cultural elite despise it, is doomed. If America gets hollowed out, in the world as it is now, there is no ‘super-America’ to protect us, as America did the liberal democracies after WWII.
If there is a ‘civil war’ in the US, I won’t try to predict its character. Civil wars are usually very nasty – even the American Civil War was not always a war between gentlemen … and I’m not just talking about the guerilla war in the West, but even about ‘orthodox’ battles. Look here:
If I were pushed to make a prediction, it would be that patriotic Americans will seek to create a safe haven for themselves, mainly in the ‘Redoubt States’, to which some will emigrate. Those states themselves will seek to absorb the ‘red’ parts of surrounding Blue states. After seeking to re-animate the 10th Amendment, and in the face of a hard Left ascendency, via a transformed Democratic Party, in Washington, some incident will spark what will be essentially a secessionist movement in the Redoubt States.
I hope this doesn’t happen. And since I believe no one can predict the future, I do not predict it. But I don’t ‘not predict’ it, either, so to speak.
The current position of the US – attempting to be world hegemon – militates against internal divisions. (If things get unruly at home, start a foreign war.) And as China rises and the US declines, there will be strong tensions … that’s a wild card. What would the effect be, if China sank one of our carriers?
The Right used to be reflexively patriotic… if the President invaded Absurdistan, our side would wave those American flags and chant “USA, ALL THE WAY!” I think that’s changed. Now it’s liberals who try to play the patriotic card. (What a laugh!)
So … I don’t know what’s coming. All I know is that you will be in a better position if you have an auto-loading rifle, and six months’ supply of necessities. And have linked up with like-minded people and made some plans for how to co operate if things fall apart.
I want to stop my own business-as-usual political behavior … posting on forums, arguing with Lefties … now that is pointless.
We have to organize to face the future. The immediate task to is to raise hell over the persecution of Kyle Rittenhouse, an American hero.
Well your right, no one can predict the future, and you do have a lot of speculation there. The world is technologically beyond the ability for people to arm up and organize and prepare for violent scenarios…
I think it’s unfortunate that in our nations evolution, we have moved far from acceptance of ideological differences between the two parties to a very hostile adversarial relationship of enemies…it’s really pathetic and is not going to end well for anybody. And these guys you’re talking to who are having wet dreams about civilian armies taking over American cities is at least concerning…
Btw, what is your affinity with Kyle Rittenhouse, and before we have had a trial wherein all evidence has been presented, why would he be such a hero to you??
Iq of a ice cube lol
And if real patriots do that, someone like Trump would come along and demonize them for suggesting harm to the military and instead give the military, the last institution which actually needs it, a raise, just as he did…
The military budget could be halved, 90% of those bases could be closed, and the US could still adequately protect ourselves…
But you should know that it’s the right that would put up the fight against it…
Sorry for the late (!!!) reply, but perhaps others will find this an interesting thread, a gentlemen’s argument between Montecristo and me.
First point: we’ve had a year of Democratic/(somewhat) Progressive rule in the White House. Leave aside poor Mr Biden’s mental state (my personal reaction is pity), what have been the results? Anyone who thinks the Afghan withdrawal was done well is … well, I won’t insult anyone. And I understand that when one’s side makes a huge horrible blunder, then … in the current state of war between Right and Left in the US … we just don’t want to talk about it. But privately, surely any serious liberal who believes that the USA’s strength and reputation are critical for the defense of democracy and liberal values in the world, would be – privately – very concerned.
I won’t blame Biden etc for the economy. People always blame the party in power, but economics is a powerful force that is only partly controllable. In any case, I’m the kind of conservative who is not instinctively hostile to government ‘interference’ in the economy per se. (For people with my general political outlook, who are much more intelligent and able than I am, see
Finally, Kyle Rittenhouse. I thought this case was a real test of political honesty on the Left. A few good people there passed it, people like Glen Greenwald. But most didn’t. (Mind you, were the cases reversed, I doubt many people on the Right would have the ability to recognize the reality, and agree with the jury. This is what happens in wars.)
Okay, enough. I would be interested in thoughtful comments. I hope Montecristo is still around.
Hard to have a debate when responses are a year apart and then largely unrelated to the last comments….
But, as I said at the time of the withdrawal, and consistent with my position on US interference in the Middle East as long as I’ve participated on this board (and long before) I don’t care what a withdrawal from Afghanistan or any other country we had no business being in over there looked like. I wanted out 19-1/2 years before we withdrew and I don’t care what it looked like, after we did.
Now, that said, when the government we created there cut and ran as they did, which left the security forces that we wasted a trillion dollars on without funding or support collapsed, disbanded and in large part joined the Taliban, there was no hope of anything but chaos.
TOO BAD, it would have been the exact same result had Obama pulled out 10 years earlier, had Trump pulled out 3 years earlier, or if the next president pulled out 5 years hence. Afghanistan was not ours to control anymore than it was any previous empire who made the attempt, AND, we shouldn’t have been attempting nation building to begin with.
We agree on the economy.
As to Rittenhouse, I agree with the outcome of that trial, though I do not elevate a foolish youth who put himself into a dangerous situation to begin with, to hero status as some on the right, and namely Trump did. You left out the contemporaneous and equally important trial of Ahmad Aubrey and the justice that was served in that trials outcome…
All of these subjects I participated in here in real time and you can easily read the threads if you’d like a more nuanced understanding of my position on the topics….
Survivors of the darkness being foisted on this country by the Left… as if you didn’t already know that.
Trump again? Get some new material. Your boy Brandon is at the plate now.
You’re quoting a post from January when trump was still president……
Yes, my bad. I didn’t look at the date.
Well, we disagree about a ‘foolish youth’. I think he is an admirable young man. His problem was that the adults there – the patriots trying to defend property from the mob – were not well organized.
In a well-organized defense, stray individuals like Kyle who turn up should be quickly vetted, and if they pass, incorporated into a disciplined unit of defenders. If they don’t, they should be firmly encouraged to stay away. It’s crazy to let yourself get isolated amidst a mob of violent Leftist vermin. It can even be deadly, as we saw in Portland with the murder of Aaronson, and could have been for Kyle, if he had not been lucky.
As for the Arbery trial, I believe that if the victim had not been Black, that the defendants would have been charged with something less than murder.
They acted very unwisely, but I do not put what happened into the category of murder. Many people – probably most – do not actually know under what circumstances they can make a citizen’s arrest, which they were trying to do. Nor do they know when lethal force is legally justified. Of course, to some extent, it depends on the political atmosphere at the time, but there are fairly clear guidelines in both cases.
Patriots need to become familiar with these guidelines, because as society falls apart, we are going to have more and more confrontations with both politically-motivated Leftists, and with the loot-seeking underclass. We can expect, in many areas, for the legal apparatus to be biased against us, so we had better be crystal clear about when we can use, or even appear to threaten to use, deadly force.
Rittenhouse was very nearly killed himself, the young man who he injured, had his pistol at his head, he could have pulled the trigger on him. And for what? Even his own mother doesn’t consider him to be a hero, nor is she proud of what he did. Property is not worth life, and she clearly stated she wished he had not been there that night. Yes, he was a foolish and lucky kid.
The prosecution in the Aubrey trial failed to meet their burden of proof of citizens arrest which is clearly defined in law. And I think there was but one black juror and I reject completely your assertion that had the victim been white there would have been a different outcome.
Patriots, I’ll have you know, do not just come in so called conservative clothing.
What Kyle did took balls, the way he handle the gum was incredible, the way he disarmed that democrat, wow.
McMichaels should get a new trial, they asked for it to be thrown out 3-4 times a day the trial was a sham. Didn’t even get to bring in AA arrest videos where he steals a TV, and resist arrest, his toe nails were long and dirty, runners always cut their toes