I never heard that Gen Patton felt that way. Can you go into more detail and explain that please. Thanks.
I think more like he believed we should have kept on and defeated Russia TOO. He was the first victim of the Cold War.
He came to realize the real enemy of the Allied was not the Germans after the war ended.
The Morgenthau Plan was to kill off millions of Germans by starvation (after the German defeat) and General Patton was appalled and began to realize something was very fishy. He wrote letters to his wife stateside, but somehow his letters were intercepted, and sure enough, he was killed in a “traffic accident.”
Jimsouth you got a chuckle out of me with that statement.
Sorry for the late reply. If it sounds that way, it sounds wrong. There is no monolithic eternal ‘state’. Under conditions of extreme social crisis, the state begins to disintegrate. Ordinary soldiers and policemen can be won over to the side of the patriots, or at least convinced to be neutral.
It’s almost impossible for civilians to prevail in an armed confrontation with a professional military which remains intact and loyal to its masters. The military must be neutralized, removed from the game, but not mainly through violence. It has to be done through political struggle.
To carry on that struggle, we must be as close to the military (and police) as possible – through informal outside contacts, through auxiliary support groups, and by being part of them. Otherwise we will end up like the Communards or Montoneros or a hundred other similar groups.
You find it crazy talk because you believe, as almost all Americans do, that we are not really subject to the laws of history. Jesus is watching over us.
He’s not though, and our remarkable success at keeping a stable society – and only having a bloody civil war once in our history, albeit one which killed more Americans than all our other wars before or after – has been the result of a number of contingent historical factors, some of which are now running out.
Most people engage in linear interpolation: because today was pretty much like yesterday, they believe tomorrow will be pretty much like today. They are almost always right. And then come the days in which they are not right.
No one knows the future, but liberty will be more secure if a few hundred thousand Americans are able to keep and bear arms – and it’s ‘bearing’ of them which the militia movement helps with.
It’s a fine old tradition. Most recently (over fifty years ago, recent in historic terms) the South was lucky enough to host an indigenous militia group, when the state had broken down: it was called ‘The Deacons for Defense and Justice’ and it served a very good purpose. Even then white liberals opposed it – thought it was ‘crazy talk’ but the it served a vital purpose behind the official facade of a non-violent struggle.
Apparently you listen and read very little.
I think @Montecresto1 is probably as well-read as the rest of us. He just has a different political outlook. I think he’s an old-fashioned liberal, who are a dying breed nowadays, being replaced by so-called Progressives, who are really ‘post-Americans’. I would have expected the liberals in the Democratic Party to have put up more of a fight than they have. And they have objected to the some of the economic stuff … but not on the really critical ‘cultural’ issues.
Anyway, hats off to Montecresto1 for having the guts to come on here and argue with a bunch of crazy right wingers! If he sticks around, maybe we’ll subvert his mind and he’ll come over to the Dark Side.
If you’re looking for a civil war, and another larger percentage of Americans killed than in all the wars we’ve been involved in abroad, sure. But that’s very unpredictable as well. And in the current climate, an America engaged in civil war, killing each other and destroying our own infrastructure would render us vulnerable to exploitation by Russia, China and the host of Muslim countries that have come to hate us do to decades of abusive foreign policy in their countries.
In short, you’re willing to risk the COMPLETE destruction of America over a perceived fear that the US government, which is a revolving government due to election cycles, has a secret plan to disarm you and reign tyranny over you.
Please reconsider what you wish for.
Yeah sorry you lost me on that one! Monte Crusty is nothing more than a passive aggressive troll who never presents anything of substance other than seeking any opportunity to bash Trump in almost every thread he posts in. Google analytics already confirms this. Furthermore, he constantly makes claims and willfully lies through his teeth (like most liberals do) by making absurd claims that when called out on almost never backs it up with substantiated facts. Most here regard Monty as the in house clown because of the baseless arguments he puts forth! Monte is the poster child of someone with a severe case of TDS. Wait for it and it will show itself to being true!
Here case in point one of many posts that he loves to bash Trump in hypothetically loose terms!
Trump supporters keep asking the rhetorical question, “what should Trump have done with our embassy being attacked.” But OF COURSE that ignores the fact that there would have been no attack if Trump would have kept his campaign promise and taken the US military out of the ME ending military operations and bombing strikes like the very one that drew this response to begin with.
Well, that’s what so many of us have long hoped for. Unfortunately however, despite promises to the contrary, Trump is escalating hostilities in the ME, shipping more troops to the ME throughout the year, and braggingly threatening more violence and revenge on Iran like some school yard PUNK. Like most recently vowing to strike Iran 52 times strategically. One strike for each hostage taken 40 years ago.
He posts his opinion over and over again and seldom supporting poof.
That’s not arguing that’s simply posting garbage.
No matter how much you post information to disprove ghis opine he continued the hate filled rhetoric.
That’s just normal prudence under any circumstances and doesn’t require a fear of Y2K or government tyranny.
Well … we’ll have to agree to disagree about Mr Montecresto. He seems like a reasonable liberal to me. Hey, if you want to see some really crazy leftists … but typical of the young ones, I think … go to the “Friendly Atheist” subforum – here: https://friendlyatheist.patheos.com/ – where they spend all their time fulminating against and hating that dangerous religion which seeks to violently impose its hateful patriarchcal anti-feminist homophobic and transphobic values on the world – ie Christianity … and if you beg to differ, you will find that they are anything but friendly. So Montecresto is almost a conservative in contrast, with respect to his adhering to the norms of civility.
Jimmy Hoffa was friends with my father and it didn’t end well for him. The rumors that he was buried in the end zone of Giants stadium was true but I always suspected his remains were left in the woods in Wisconsin somewhere.
Hmmm… not sure I understand this point. I don’t think Mr Montecresto is going to have any of us rubbed out.
I am not sure if authorities ever attempted to excavate the end zone in Giants stadium to find out if the rumours were true.
Actually, Jimmy Hoffa is alive and well and living on a ranch with Hitler in Argentina.
Not that is not true! Maybe in your alternate reality!
Well, no one has disproved the ‘many worlds’ interpretation of quantum mechanics … so perhaps it’s true in one of those branches.
Anyway, we’ve wandered far away from the topic the Original Poster wanted to raise: the importance of all patriots to have as close as possible ties with the military and police – actually serving in the military via the National Guard or State Guard if possible, or taking part in any available support organization for them if not. That was Part One. Part Two is coming soon.