What Americans don't want!

Open Borders, Inflation, High crime rates, Drug Deaths, Homeless, Military Conflicts, Energy Dependence, Abortion up to Birth Infanticide, Higher Taxes, Forgiving College Debt, Climate Change, High Interest Rates, Sanctuary Cities, universal basic income, National Debt, Big Government, Anti-Charter Schools, The ubiquitous race card, Illegals Voting, Political Lawfare, Medicare for All, reparations Burying Our Children In Debt, and all the mandated regulations and all the fees that follow .

What we want is policies that put food on the table, clothes on their back, shoes on their feet, gas in their car , realistic mortgage & auto rates , children that accept the gender they are born with , a secure border , an end to conflicts and our involvement in them , the deportation of those here illegally , a stable dollar , a massive reduction and restructuring of our welfare system , jobs for most , an end to government corruption ,a government that adheres to our Constitution and ALL of it’s Amendments , an end to lobbying and lobbyist, a massive reducing in government and TAXES , an elimination of agencies that do nothing and the corrupt ones like the FBI, voter ID , an end to DEI in hiring , a government that encourages able bodies working by ending aid , a government that respects it’s war veterans .

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The frog hasn’t jumped the boiling pot yet but its getting close!

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If the dems are allowed to take the Presidency in 2024 it will mark an end to our economy and our way of life . God help us !!!

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