They were vetted by taliban lol I think I read somewhere that rape went up 90% in Sweden or Germany when afghans immigrated to their area.
And talibian is going to be sending plans to America lol full of vetted Americans lol
You are welcome American women (RAPED)
We have over a million new unvetted Hispanics that crossed the border this year.
These afgans will be able to invite all their immediate family America is gone
That’s The International Globalists plan ALL Western nations must be destroyed as in ALL ACTUAL Westerners aka Christians ** must be DESTROYED, they do this by the Population Replacement Plan which they have been enacting SLOWLY since the mid-1960s but has been MASSIVELY ESCALATED since 2010.
** Western Civilisation was and is a TOTALLY Christian thing ALL Non-Christians who MIGRATED throughout Centuries into Western nations their Non-Christian Ancestry is from OUTSIDE of Western Civilisation, usually either from Asia ie. The Orient or The Middle East or Africa.
It’s CHRISTIANITY that The International Globalists want to DESTROY, not surprising as 90% of them are Athiests who DENY Jesus Christ was and IS the ONLY Messiah…they await their False Messiah aka The Anti-Christ.
The Joey Bidet Marxist Administration is thanked by Radical Islamists for assisting in the promotion of Radical Islamist Jihadi’s into ONLY Western nations:
Not to mention all the military hardware that The Joey Bidet Marxist Administration DELIBERATELY left behind as GIFTS to The Radical Islamist Jihadi’s WITHIN Afghanistan. They can EITHER KEEP ALL the below OR keep SOME of it and SELL AND/OR GIVE the rest to ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Islamist Jihad etc
None of these ppl will anywhere around these ppl it’s treason
Will we be allowed to mourn 9/11 after this year when a quarter of Afghan will be in America unvetted? I don’t wanna piss them off or make them feel uncomfortable.
Probably under The Joe Bidet Marxist Administration ANY PUBLIC reference to 9/11 will be labelled “Domestic Extremism”/“Domestic Terrorism”
Remember they have literally already stated that ANY display of Patriotism = Domestic Terrorism ie. ANY display of Patriotism = White Supremacism/Conspiracy Theorist/Extremist etc And that the American flag ITSELF and the displaying of is White Supremacism/Racism.
More than that crossover?
Just the people caught
It is accepted that over 30 percent avoid capture