We cannot default on the debt

What fun. Default date June 1st.

No deal yet.

Mc Carthy says people will not be happy. Capping spending at ceiling from 2 years ago. Think massive COVID spending. Mc Carthy bends over for Biden, gives Biden a free ride through the next election.

Congress heads home for the holiday, Yellen announces new date, June 5th.

After raising the debt ceiling the GOP should fire Mc Cathy.

The GOP and American people screwed over again.

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The debt will not go into default. This a show on both sides. Both sides know what the consequences of defaulting will be… no return for either side… total hatred for Congress by the people…as if they don’t hate them enough now…lol.

Just a matter of time.

Inflation has made the dollar worth less. What could be purchased for a dollar in 1990 now is $2.32.

Who will buy the debt?

Congress is out of control when it comes to spending.

I agree. What is the fix for the problem? Cutting spending at this stage of the game is useless, although still recommended.

It’s not a tax issue but a spending issue. There have been record revenues for years and congress increases spending far above what’s collected. A solution like t r not is tax vry American with no exceptions. You can cut spending now or they will be forced to cut spending the future.

Spending will be cut in the future because it will be overwhelmingly evident that it has to be. That is not a soulution to the problem of now. What is?

The solution remains the same,

  1. Raise taxes across the board everyone pays.
  2. Massive spending cuts.
  3. Raise the debt limit a small amount until the fixes take hold.

Do nothing and wait until the world investors give the treasury note the middle figire and refuse to buy them without a risk premium.

Now you sound like the Left. How much do you raise taxes on people who already can’t afford to make ends meet?

You just noticed sleepy lou is a democrat lol

How much do you raise taxes on people who already can’t afford to make ends meet?

Everyone benefits from their government everyone should pay for it. Cut spending, the size of government.

If I were a leftist I would say tax the rich take all their wealth unless your a liberal democrat who should pay nothing.

This is total BS. And why not default? This is why the Republican party is dead to me!

I am hearing the “deal” is for a $4 trillion increase in the debt limit. IF that is true, I don’t need to hear anything else. No one claiming to be a conservative could justify a YES vote.

~ Congressman Bob Good


I don’t disagree that it is BS. I’m just saying that we will not default. You know it and I know it. It is a show… a pissing contest between the two.

We must default, if you think democrats are going to pass this with no guaranteed welfare, you’re fooling your self. These senators and congressmen all got elected by Democrats for promising free shit.

Old man Biden could add a ton of legitimacy if this passes but it won’t.

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Last minute deal is reached. One side gets a little bit, the other retains almost everything giving little. Both claim a great victory.

Americans get screwed!

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Its like that whole freaken “too big too fail” for the bank bail outs. Our leaders are pretty much useless and want to continue to bankrupt the country. They should let us default that way it will expose who the fraudsters like McCarthy are!


And there it is…lol.


Norman said it best:

“This ‘deal’ is insanity. A $4T debt ceiling increase with virtually no cuts is not what we agreed to. Not gonna vote to bankrupt our country. The American people deserve better,”


Congresswoman Jayapal (D-WA) ~ “We are talking about $6 a day”

Let’s help her with math

$6 a day X 42,000,000 people on SNAP = $252,000,000 per day
$91,980,000,000 per year

$5,000,000,000 (billion) annually is proven fraud

But with democrats it’s only $6 a day, because it’s not their money they are spending


“I listened to Speaker McCarthy earlier tonight outline the deal with President Biden and I am appalled by the debt ceiling surrender. The bottom line is that the U.S. will have $35 trillion of debt in January, 2025. That is completely unacceptable,” Rep. Ken Buck of Colorado said.

“A $4 trillion debt ceiling increase? With virtually none of the key fiscally responsible policies passed in the Limit, Save, Grow Act kept intact? Hard pass. Hold the line,” Rep. Andrew Clyde said.

“So in other words, utter capitulation in progress. By the side holding the cards,” Rep. Dan Bishop said regarding the agreement.

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