We are on lockdown and prisoners are set free to kill again

Liberals love the comfort zone provided by sheep mentality. All they need is one shepherd for every large group. This is why the liberal media is so quick to pick up talking points and use the same exact words to describe something they may actually know nothing about.

Most liberals, it seems to me, cannot withstand debating with logic and truth. Even here on Political Bullpen, they spit out a lie, then disappear when challenged…or they come back with puerile criticism of the source rather than rebuttal of the content.

I used to love watching William F. Buckley Jr. and Gore Vidal go head to head. Both were brilliant.

There are a few worthy tenets of liberalism. One of those is charity. However, conservative capitalists seem to believe in personal charity coming from one’s own wealth, whereas liberal socialists seem to believe in retaining most of their own wealth while giving away other people’s money. Both are charitable, but have differing definitions of it.

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Obama administration is about to be exposed as the MOST corrupt in American history .

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No such animal . Drug dealers carry guns to protect their product and their cash . The ones that end up in prison for any length of time are multiple offenders and have been violent just not charged .

Non violent criminals…

[quote=“DMK, post:96, topic:7826”]
I can understand non-violent criminals. Dealing pot, etc.
Dealing drugs leads to violence !

So, what happens to violent crime when marijuana is legalized? From what we can tell so far, it looks like legal weed helps reduce violent crime. Sounds like pot dealers can and are violent .

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This is how we got here:

  • We let bureaucrats decide for us what businesses are more important than others to society.
  • Without a squeak we acquiesce to being put under de facto house arrest.
  • We hardly blink when troops are deployed to enforce lockdown.
  • People believe they’re doing their duty by reporting on neighbors.
  • Passively, we observe our right to protest neatly cut off when public gatherings are outlawed in the name of social distancing.
  • We accept the obligation to go bankrupt and hungry as the cost of beating the virus but don’t expect our lawmakers to make the same sacrifice that they imposed on us.
  • That the chance of death in lockdown due to hunger, addiction, depression, violence, neglect, etc. may be higher than dying from the virus matters not one iota to the commissars of lockdown.
  • With bovine servility, we greet every inroad into private lives by lawmakers who too often have a rotten past.
  • We are blind to the political basis of the divide between those who advocate keeping the economy closed until the cows come home and those desperate for the economy to reopen.
  • Though we may see it, we fail to grasp that deliberate destruction of the socio-economic fabric is about exercising power over people instead of a life-or-death imperative.

“The World Food Programme suggests that 130 million people around the world could be pushed to the brink of starvation by the end of 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Wait a minute! “As a result of”? COVID-19 causes sickness and death, mostly of minuscule proportions.
It took just 1 in 1 million Indians to die to panic bureaucrats to lock up a billion people.
What virus ever caused people to starve? Lockdown policies did that. The dire condition of our world is no fault of a virus.
It was man-made. More to the point, it was expert-made and government-administered.


Very well said, LouMan.

I still laugh as POT and alcohol are essential yet Hobby Lobby who can provide diversion isn’t.

You can buy clothing at Walmart and Target yet Kohls is closed.

You can buy paint at Home depot yet you cannot enter a Sherwin Williams store.

The amazing thing is that people and businesses have not sued state governments over essential businesses.


It’s a matter of CONTROL !!!

It’s all about revenue.

In Colorado the tax on POT is 25% plus sales tax 8.5%.

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hey, gotta make room in the jails for the people walking their dogs and playing catch with their own kids in the park! WAY safer than dealing with those nasty, dangerous thugs!

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When did they allow governors to pass LAWS ???

“the right of the people peaceably to assemble”

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When they declared martial law (national emergency). And people were so panicked they thanked government.


Dear Governor Whitmer,
This is going to be a long one. I have much to say. First, I’d like to apologize to you for the Michiganders who have protested your response to the coronavirus in an offensive manner.

For example, you were referred to as “Heil Whitmer” in at least one protest sign. I can’t think of anything more ignorant (well; yes I can…but I don’t have time to get into Donald Trump). Hitler was responsible for the death of over 6 million innocent lives. You, on the other hand, have done everything possible to save innocent lives. Thank you, and I’m sorry for the POS who created and carried that sign.

I am sorry that some have tried to sue you for your bold and necessary actions: The judge ruled that claims that “their constitutional rights were not strong due to the severity of the pandemic,” and that “would not serve the public interest, despite the temporary harm to plaintiffs’ constitutional rights.”

I am sorry that the Republican controlled legislature did not vote to extend your emergency powers but authorized their ability to file a lawsuit against you for your response to the pandemic. It would be nice to have support, but you know, dudes are so put off by women in positions of power.

I am sorry that so many people think that you must have WANTED this to happen and that you WANTED your state to have a pandemic so you would need to make unpopular decisions. TO people who have sense, it’s pretty obvious that as the governor, you certainly don’t WANT to see Michigan’s economy to go in the toilet. In fact, you have done a TON to protect as many individuals–seniors, nursing home residents, small business owners, frontline workers–as possible.

I am sorry that people cried because for a short while, you cut off the ability to go out on a boat. I want to explain that one: One person out on a fishing boat will lead to more than a bucket of fish. Once ONE person is on the lake, 5,000 more will follow and it will be PUTTIN BAY. But stupid people don’t understand simple things.

I am also sorry that so many people cried because they couldn’t go to their vacation homes. I have a home in Traverse City. Up there, far fewer people were sick. Who am I to travel up there and possibly create an infection that they don’t have the resources to service an influx of patients.

I am sorry that protestors were really at the capitol to strut around with their guns and MAGA hats because they can hardly live without their regular injection of HATE, I mean Trump, rallies. I am sorry that it made them look like selfish, hateful bullies.

I am not without compassion for business owners. But the actions taken at the capitol seemed to me to be about a LOT more than your pandemic response.

I could go on and on with my apologies, but!

I also want to THANK YOU FOR:

Using science and epidemiology to guide your decisions instead of using hunches about injecting disinfectant and taking potentially harmful cures.

Using data and experts in health care, business, labor, and education in re-engaging the economy based again, on facts and science.

Creating the Future for Frontline Workers’ Program

Creating the Childcare Relief Fund

Supporting the Hero’s Fund Hazard Pay for Frontline workers

Calling out Trump for his lack of using the Defense Production Act to mobilize and organize testing, PPE, swabs and reagents to help states deal with this

Creating a task force to address racial disparities in occurrence and treatment of Covid

Declaring an emergency declaration and state of disaster to expedite funding and assistance on many fronts

Streamlining Medicaid to provide easier access

Suspending face-to-face learning four days after the first virus hit Michigan in order to protect students, teachers, and families

Signing an executive order to protect workers who stay home when they or close contacts have been sick

Expanding support services available for start-ups and entrepreneurs

Being the first state to provide food to families affected by school closings

Working with DIFS to provide Coronavirus treatment at NO COST to patients

Working with MDHHS to expand testing

Working with MPSC to ensure utility protection and assistance for vulnerable households

Executive order 2020-19 to ensure people cannot be evicted from their homes or apartments during a public emergency

Making sure that at least 1500 Michigan residents had water service restored or avoid shutoff thanks to order 2020-28

Partnering with Headspace to provide a new mental health resource for Michiganders to access for free

Executive oder 2020-52 extending pesticide certification renewals to ensure that our agricultural industry can continue to provide local food

Activating the Michigan National Guard to assist community and regional healthcare coalitions with supply chain management

Imposing safety measures to protect consumers and workers; use of masks and notifying employees when another employee tests positive

Determining strategies / protocols for food establishments and pharmacies.

The executive order allowing qualified physician assistants, nurses, and other healthcare providers to treat Covid patients

Executive order 2020-16 expanding childcare access

Executive order 2020-18 restricting price gouging

Extending the state tax deadline

and most of all for :

  1. Calling out Trump for failing to help states get tests/PPE
  2. Remaining strong when some Michigan lawmakers do not give you the support you and the Michigan people deserve
  3. Caring about the people of your state through ACTION
    not lies.

Yall can be as pissed off about this as you want! Some of you need to get your ass out of Fox News and consider that not everything is about YOU. post I recently read from a person in Mich:

This shutdown should have never happened, it was broad government overreach and has to stop now.

This can’t continue and anyone who allows this is retarded. I know I live in a Constitutional Republic State, but if I did live in one of those commiecrat hellholes I’d most likely be in prison, because I’d never put up with it.

Sounds more like Jim assacosta’s ghost writer . :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


It’s an example of how people are brainwashed.

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