Voice Of America Director, Deputy Director Resign After Donald Trump-Selected

I remember in the 50´s how important VOA was,broadcasting freedom to communist held countries. It made sense. When I was in South Vietnam, VOA and BBC where the only two stations that were available over short wave radio. Now it seems it has become a political pawn. The main issue seems to be that the present radio policy has ratified what the Red Chinese had to say about the current virus epidemic contrary to President Trumps opinion. Well one thing is for sure,VOA does not broadcast second rate country music anymore,they stepped up to RB.

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Well Trumps opinion is more idiotic than any. But yeah, China’s peddling propaganda.

Were you upset when Trump stood in Helsinki and sided with Putin over America’s intelligence agencies?

This is what gets me about the Trumper, who exploded on Obama all the time over issues like that but find excuse for Trump…:roll_eyes:

Are you referring to when Mr. Trump accepted Mr. Putin´s denial of Russian interference in the American elections?

Yes, that would be correct.

No I was not upset at all. It reminded me of the biography I read about J.Edgar Hoover(a sausage jockey) who I consider one of the the greatest criminal America has ever had. The connection is how the US has relied on unethical criminal procedure and tactics to pursue its domestic and international agenda while condemning others for doing the same thing. See James Risen´s book “Pay Any Price”.

Oh, you’re suggesting that it was ok for Russia to interfere with our elections, and ok for the US president to accept the Russian presidents word on it over the US intelligence agencies, while standing on foreign soil, and all because the US does the same thing to other countries. :thinking: Of course you ignored my point on how your heads would have exploded had Obama done the same. And did explode over him apologizing for things that the US has done wrong in the past…

This is why the country gets bounced back and forth. Partisan Americans on both side…

You surely are barking up the wrong tree. Russia never interfered with our elections,materially or incidentally. After annexing the Chimera, my opinion of Mr. Putin sank like a rock in water.You are referring to some one else, I have never felt that way as you described.

Of course they did, as demonstrated by our intelligence agencies and many in the Republican Party.

Exploding is not quite the proper term. We ‘recognized’ that Obubba and his failed Secretary of State made our government look like bumbling, apologetic children with his worldwide apology tour and her presentation of a puerile ‘reset button’ with the incorrect word embossed on it. What a clown show that was.

The Russians ATTEMPTED to interfere with out election, just as they have done for decades. They had no effect on the outcome…just as they have done for decades.

They will attempt to interfere with our 2020 election…and they will fail again.

That is for sure! Barking up the wrong tree is putting it mildly when referring to Montecrusty’s TDS. It’s literally off the charts.

Back on topic from the usual thread derailing resident asshat!

The reason this decision was made was because they weren’t promoting the current policies of this administration abroad which it is intended to do. In other words the VOA has gone rogue with its own views and the issue needed to be addressed. VOA, has always served a specific role for prior administrations in promoting its foreign policy in other countries and that has not been the case currently, hence the shake up.

Yes I figured that out.VOA really has a soft spot in my heart. It was so positive about America and its civil liberties. I always enjoyed their programming with the exception of the continuous sound alike country music. I remembered fellow black soldiers complaining that there was never any jive music. Regardless, it did report the news from back home with constructive editorials.