VIDEO: Biden suffers verbal collapse — ‘Let me put it another way, it makes no sense’

Most people know that Biden at 50% is preferable to Trump.

Another one of your made up fantasies? :rofl: :rofl: Whatever you got to tell yourself to pacify your feelings! :rofl: :rofl:

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Obviously you have not had to deal with person with dementia.

Has more to do with hating Trump than a mentally impaired Biden.


Seriously! I have not notice anything about what Biden policy he is advocating to support only blame blame, blame Trump. Orange man bad! What a pathetic loser! As always the victims cry some more.


But the Leftists are mentally challenged, so what do you expect? They are illustrating right now how fucking insane they are and how off their meds they are.

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What we are witnessing is the media and the constant barrage of propaganda from the party and how it has effected people.

Well all of that combined with Neo-Marxist Propaganda used to brainwash as many as possible in the schools to turn them into good little Kool-Aid Drinking Sheep.

Public Schools should be demolished and all Teaching Unions banned.

I was privately educated and if someone can’t afford private education then I advise them to Home School.

Right, goes to show how fed up Americans were of Trump to pick 50% Biden over him….
Sleepy Joe beat trump in a landslide both in EC and popular….:wink:

No, they have different views, values and interests than the right. But they are your fellow Americans…
Jesus would expect you to love all men…

That’s never going to happen though. Have any other ideas?

Going back to how we educated for hundreds of years is going to happen, or America is over

Most people know that isn’t true. :wink:

…and most people know that is not true.

Nope, he’s in the lead and Harris is quite in the background as VP’s usually are….

There is no way you are this blind. You are just a troll. Everything you post is just to be obtuse and contrary.

Really, and what was that, the fringe right….:thinking:

Trump was the most brave And Courageous president this country has ever had. Daily fighting domestic terrorist. God bless the greatest president in the history of America.

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That was then, this is now:
A new poll shows that half of all registered voters are concerned about President Biden’s health, and almost half are concerned about his mental condition – as the White House continues to divert questions about when the 78-year-old commander-in-chief will undergo a physical exam.

The Politico / Morning Consult poll published on Wednesday showed that 50 percent of registered voters disagreed with the statement “Joe Biden is in good health”, while 40 percent agreed and 10 percent did not know or had no opinion.

Similarly, 48 percent of voters disagreed with the statement “Joe Biden is mentally fit,” while 46 percent agreed and 6 percent did not know or had no opinion.

The answers to the health question showed a shift of 29 points against the president from October 2020, while the answers to the question of mental fitness showed a turn of 21 points towards Biden.

A new poll shows that half of all registered voters are concerned about President Biden’s health, and almost half are concerned about his mental condition – as the White House continues to divert questions about when the 78-year-old commander-in-chief will undergo a physical exam.

The Politico / Morning Consult poll published on Wednesday showed that 50 percent of registered voters disagreed with the statement “Joe Biden is in good health”, while 40 percent agreed and 10 percent did not know or had no opinion.

Similarly, 48 percent of voters disagreed with the statement “Joe Biden is mentally fit,” while 46 percent agreed and 6 percent did not know or had no opinion.

The answers to the health question showed a shift of 29 points against the president from October 2020, while the answers to the question of mental fitness showed a turn of 21 points towards Biden.