Video Appears to Show Healthy Illegal Aliens Held in a Comfy Cell

Here’s a suggestion, since it’s always UK outlets that aggressively push for freeing these illegals, let’s pack them into a plane and fly them to Britshitistan. They want them so bad, let them have them.

Horrifying video appears to show dozens of migrants who have been held in an overcrowded cell without showers for 40 days begging for help:

  • Video was shared on Twitter Saturday morning by Congressman Jim McGovern
  • In footage, dozens of men are seen packed inside undisclosed detention center
  • According to McGovern, the men had been in cell with no showers for 40 days
  • McGovern said that some of the migrants complained ‘they have gone hungry’
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Just because Paco can’t get any tacos doesn’t mean he’s going hungry. Most of these boys could use a good sweat and a little less food.


The land of cucks and virtue signaling limp wrists that allow their women to get raped while at the same time try to lecture Americans about not having guns! I know such a person!


Look at all those software engineers locked up.

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Isn’t this the same as to meddling in the affairs of a foreign country? As I understand that these types of opinions aren’t even welcome in the UK anymore.

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No showers for 40 days and yet they are clean shaven and their hair is combed. Are they prevented from going back to where they came? What did they expect coming over in such numbers?

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This passes as legitimate news reporting in the UK? The phrase “appears to show” proves that when the British media is involved looks are deceiving, I guess they are not allowed to report on events happening in their own country…so they might as well mislead on US events.

This is the equivalent of filming the inside of a jail and believing all the prisoners who loudly proclaim their innocence.

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Does anyone actually care? What did they expect was going to happen? They legally crossed our border and were caught. I guess they were expecting to be handed a free house, medical benefits, and a debit card with $50,000 on it.


Oh for heaven’s sake.

Please circulate this video then as a deterrent. Let them stay in Mexico while they wait for their “claim” to be processed.

Serious question though. At this point could they ask to be returned to Mexico? If they are living in conditions less than acceptable to them are they free from repercussions of entering the country illegally (if that is what they did) if they agree to self deport?

They are getting coached by their free lawyers to say they aren’t getting showers or fed. I watched the video and they do not look like they haven’t showered in over 40 days. I didn’t see a single person wearing dirty clothes.

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They look a heck of a lot more clean, comfortable and well fed than the homeless we have in this country.

As far as I am concerned they are ingrates. They do nothing to garner sympathy except for the people too stupid to read any further past a headline.

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They look awfully clean and healthy for people who’ve been held for 40 days without a shower or medical care.