Venezuela Heating Up Fast-US Supporting Guaido Takeover

And why would we need to “step up” in this situation? Do we need to burn even more money on another war that isn’t ours to fight?

Because if we don’t the Chinese and Russians will. This is our hemisphere and we need to keep them out of it.

Helping out now will also ensure us a strong Organic ally rich with oil and give us even more control over the international oil market.

Strategically and economically it would be a huge failure on our part not to help Guaido.

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Remember it is organic and has been for a couple of years now.

Remember too what an awful mistake it was for the US not to support the Iranian Green Revolution in Iran. Our failure to do so has proven catastrophic for the ME.

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The Russians and Chinese already have a significant presence in Venezuela at the request of Maduro. There is no avoiding their presence in the region, at least at this moment. Entering into a conflict is the wrong move. We should take any money and resources that we would use in such a conflict and apply it to the border. Our border.

No they don’t. There is a fairly large contingent of Cubans however who are now acting as Maduro’s Presidential Guard.

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We’re limited by statute what we can do on our own border and Trump has already done about all he can do without congress.

To stem the tide at our border we’ve got to stop the outward flow of VZ and the triangle countries coming northward.

Nothing sends waves of refugees, asylees, and illegals to our border like a destablized Central and South America.

It’s a hell of a lot cheaper to keep them there than to deal with the results of failing to do so.

We would also as I said miss a huge opportunity to make a natural Ally of VZ in the future both economically and strategically.

I hate to say it but Geraldo Rivera had a good idea. Now that Guaido has control of the airwaves he should offer amnesty to all of VZ’s military that isn’t currently supporting him to stand down and allow for a peaceful transition even if they are not ready to fully commit to supporting the new government.

Do you want them sitting on top of largest recoverable oil reserves in the world…in our own hemisphere?

The way I see it, things are unfolding as it should be.

Believe me, they may already be doing just that. :wink:

They most likely are through channels, but if they put it on the air waves it will get disseminated much more quickly and bypass the commanders who are as yet unwilling.

A free, prosperous, united, and friendly to the US VZ would be an enormous coup for Trump going into 2020 and a huge benefit to the US now and long into the future.

I’ve heard that Maduro has already surrounded himself with Cuban military personnel. I think he knows not to trust the Venezuelan military leaders.

That’s what I’m seeing reported as well. The Cubans have become Maduro’s Presidential Guard.

They better be figuring out how to evacuate along with him.

These may not all be military, but Maduro would likely be happy to arm them.

Leave a corridor for em. :wink:

Make it a free fire kill zone.

I have not been following. Basic question…

Did the people vote for the government in charge?

No, allow em open/free passage to Cuba if they lay down their arms.

As far as I’m concerned, once they’re safely into Mexico, they don’t need asylum in the USA.

Maduro and his part lost in the election. Guaido is the duly elected POVZ.

Maduro has refused to relinquish power.

I agree but we don’t have a safe first country agreement with Mexico.