US Navy launches ship to commemorate gay rights activist Harvey Milk

As long as there have been humans, there’s been gay people. It’s not going anywhere….

In wacky Leftist world ALL appointments are now made based on:

Are you Black or Brown, you get an appointment based SOLELY on you being Black or Brown.

Are you Athiest, Muslim, Hindu, J-e-w, you get an appointment based SOLELY on you being NOT a Christian.

Are you Transgender? You get an appointment.

How many dicks have you sucked? You get an appointment.

How many man butts have you rammed with your penis? You get an appointment.

Do you have a penis and use the female bathroom? You get an appointment?

Are you a man and likes to get fisted by another man? You get an appointment.

Are you a “woman” and sport a full beard and also a dick and balls? You get an appointment.

Are you a biological woman/biological man and are White and a Christian and a Heterosexual? NO APPOINTMENT FOR YOU and ONTO FBI Domestic Enemies List.

Yes but they kept within the privacy of their home as decent people do. Nobody gives a shit if they’re gay, big deal, it’s them pushing this crap 24/7 that is annoying MORE people than they THINK it is, especially now that they’re pushing the LGBTQ Agenda onto children…this is NOT going to end well for them. Trust me.

Yep, Richard Grenell had no formal intelligence experience and no experience running a huge bureaucracy to be head of the nations 16 intelligence agencies, but he was openly gay……

Yes but was he on the TV ALL the time pushing the LGBTQ Agenda and CONSTANTLY PROMOTING sex with children/boys chopping their dicks off/boys dressing up as girls/girls dressing up as boys etc? NO he was NOT.

Human nature is to always go from one extreme to another. We see it in everything and it’s a shitty collective problem. The pendulum you notice goes so far to one extreme and then here it comes back to the middle, but then damn it, it only loiters for a moment in the middle and then it carries on to an equal but opposite extreme….

Society has this as a problem, always has and always will….:rage:

When it returns to the middle the NEXT time then these filthy perverted bastards better go and find someplace to hide because I tell you PLENTY of people are PISSED already at them pushing their CRAP onto CHILDREN.

For the first time in American history, an openly LGBT person will lead the intelligence community, a remarkable development considering that, until relatively recently, it not only denied employment to gay and lesbian Americans but thoroughly purged them from its ranks.

Had Biden done this it would have gotten all the usual animus of the far right……

Well you miss the point. The middle is moderation, the extreme that you want is where gays and lesbians are killed once again, as opposed to what you see in today’s extremes….

I never said that, I was meaning that MANY people think they need to be taught a good lesson once and for all, a lesson they will NEVER forget and that’s to:


These perverts WANT the children and they are going to REGRET coming out in the open advocating that. They will be taught a lesson they will NEVER forget. And MANY people in the vicinity you know will just IGNORE what’s going to happen to them because MANY people AGREE they should STFU and KEEP AWAY FROM THE CHILDREN.

But that and where we’re headed is the two extremes….:man_shrugging:

It’s already a crime for an adult, gay or straight, to be touching children……:wink:

Perhaps for a MOMENT, the situation is that these perverts who are sexually after children cannot be allowed to get away with this, they do need teaching a lesson…IF NOT they will attempt this shit again further down the road.

They absolutely have to be held to the same standards as straight people, period……:+1:

There also have always been pedophiles, rapists, serial killers, drug dealers, muggers, etc.

Yes, there is a lot of human garbage mixed in with the normal people.

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So why do you guys need a parade?


Btw, nobody here will ever address the fact that Trump appointed an OPENLY GAY MAN to head our intelligence agencies. Why, because they hated it BUT lacked the balls to call dear leader on it….

We can be sure however that this lot will post a thread every time a ship is named after a gay person or a gay person is given some award because why, because of a thing called hatred and hypocrisy……


We already addressed this tulip

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Why do we need gays and lesbians flaunting their sexual choice all the time!!! It’s okay with me if their gay or les, but don’t force your lifestyle on me.
It’s always national news when someone" comes out of the closet " Does anyone really give a DAMN!!! Let them come out and then after the 15 minutes of fame , STFU and go about your life.


But Monte darling they are not held to the same standards as straight people, we have yet another double standard with regard to them, the same shit we see with Blacks. Whites and Heteros are not held to the same standard as LGBTQ or Blacks, with the latter they get a pass nearly every time and can get away with ALL types of shit by anytime someone calls them out by playing the LGBTQ Card and screaming “BIGOT” or playing the Race Card and screaming “RACIST”

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I spent Saturday night and all of Sunday in ER/Various Hospital Testing Rooms after while on duty Saturday night getting hit over the head with a metal object and knocked out when we were attempting to apprehend a drug dealer. I was out cold, but my partner cuffed the POS and then I got taken to ER, I had a brain scan and other various tests and observation etc, I’ll be okay.

But drug dealers need to be executed, no jail time, they need the Death Penalty.