Unleashing the true power of democracy

Post-nihilist? Yeah OK! We haven’t reached that stage yet, and claiming so doesn’t make it true, so we will just stick with the atheist part!

“We” and “me” are mutually exclusive definitions, the fact you use the “we” part, only re-enforces what I said earlier. You are basically putting forth one ideology to replace another. As you claim all ideologies have failed, yet you contradict yourself in that sense by trying to institute another as being a better idea.

A pioneer stage in which you will be dead and long gone before you can see or begin to experience the fruits of your labor! That is if at all it will resemble anything you want to envision it as being. We currently are in the post post modern era, where a paradigm shift is in progress, and the battle between truth and no truth is at present moment waging a war to the death.

2: Anything that requires a ‘leap of faith’ has let our species down. For socialists it is the benign nature of government. All ideologies except conservatism have the same flaw.

My Geo. History: born in Africa, 1 year in Malaya, 2 years at boarding school in South Africa, 1 year in England, the rest in Australia except for 10 year stint in Canada.

Everything we have tried has failed us. There is nothing in our biology that points directly to criminal behaviour (except some psychopaths), neither is there anything that leads to self-harm of any description, in point of fact our neurotransmitters reward courage, resilience, sociability, achievement and that as I said before should be the vast majority (genetic roulette for the others). You can’t tell me that societies that are at any level unsafe are getting the best out of ourselves.

That is simply a incorrect statement! But you are entitled to your nihilistic views, one in which I care not to share with you in this conversation!

We and us can be replaced with ‘humankind’ with a bit of fiddling.

Have you heard of Tytler? He wrote about the fall of civilisations and drew some useful lessons. ‘Doomed to repeat’. Which is included in my page as it complies with human nature, which is to resist reactionary thinking. The constant is: change is coming, extract the best and enjoy it.

In government terms (the topic) that is absolutely true.

Then why do you inhabit these pages? If all is perfect then you should be happy. Nope, you are here because you want to fix things and unless you have something to replace it with that has a foundation in Science (as mine is) you are a bystander.


Our Secondary Sex hormones lead to assault and murder.

Greed drives us to great harm at the expense of others.

Addiction which we now know is genetically driven leads billions of us to self harm.

If you truly think you’re going to “fix” anything by posting on an obscure internet board you are delusional.

Which would be relevant if most of us did participate in violent incursions into the lives of others. That it doesn’t happen must mean we can socialise this beast; in fact the less likely we are to be violent the more freebies and willing participation events might occur. We learned that, many didn’t.

A fear of consequences is what keeps most people from acting on those basal, genetically driven instincts, not some collective sense of goodness.

Freebies don’t keep people from committing crimes, if anything it’s been shown here that those getting the most freebies are also the most inclined to commit crimes.

Most of what you are projecting here is pure gibberish not supported by any fact.

Freebie sexual encounters. Do you understand basic sentence structure? Hint, there is an ‘and’, the conjunctive, between the two, they are joined together in the final noun ‘events’.

I understand sentence structure quite well which is why what you said was and remains gibberish. You made no mention of sexual encounters at all.