Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates đŸȘ–

Ukraine likes killing its own people!

We can’t convince the low info and ignorant voters that the average US citizen doesn’t give a shit about Ukraine and that they care more about securing our own border and stopping US Taxpayer money to funding a foreign country being used to benefit the Chuck Schummers of the world!

Our fight is at home not in Ukraine!


Ukraine is run by a bunch of Joos who don’t give a damn about Ukrainian lives.

These Joos want to depopulate Ukraine, so that Joos from Palestine can return (Plan B) to ancestral Khazaria because their Plan A (Zionism to Palestine) has failed.

I heard there’s Plan C too, which is to create a Jooish state of sorts in Manchuria, northeast China.


Now they are going to try to deny it!

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Alexander Mercouris thinks (at this point) that Ukraine didn’t know the transport plane carried Ukrainian POWs.

I find that hard to believe especially given that is was already a prearranged prisoner swap. Are these the same idiots that shot down the Malaysian airliner? I have to wonder.

Two Malaysian planes went down within a short period of time in 2014. Actually one disappeared without a trace with a bunch of Chinese engineers aboard over the waters of Malaysia / Indonesia and nobody knows for sure what happened to it. And nobody outside Malaysia wanted to fly Malaysian anymore

MH17 was shot down by a Ukrainian Sukhoi over the Donbass, it looks like. The west blamed Putin hysterically and started sanctions against Russia, which annoyed Russian citizens but prepared Russia for further sanctions.

There is no proof that Ukranian POWs were on the.plane . There were only 5 bodies at the crash site which was the crew.

Actually, I know exactly what happened MH 380, and so does Obama!

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Its already been confirmed. Read the fking news moron!

Here, if you know how to read!

GO MOVE THE FK TO MOSCOW and serve your friend RASPUTID !!!

Why don’t you fking move to Ukraine loser! Practice what you preach hypocrite!


Alex Christoforou offers three theories as to the downing of the Russian military plane.

  1. Ukraine didn’t know the plane carried its POWs
  2. Involvement of foreign mercs
  3. I forgot, not important anyway.

Of course RT represents the Russina government, more or less, and it’s a great opportunity to condemn Kiev.

May the Kiev regime fall fast and the suffering of the Ukrainian people come to an end.

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Again, the only way Ukraine will loose is if the US and NATO stop helping.

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Yes, they are stopping.


They already lost, but ignorant fools like you can’t either accept it or are too aloof to know the truth if it bit you in the a%%. Don’t worry there is still time for the latter to happen, and when it does your humiliation will enable you to scurry back to your dark hole!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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True but their journalism has less biased reporting than US legacy media which has become pure propaganda! Now that is an upside down world!

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I could accept Ukraine loosing if they were given EVERYTHING they needed and lose to a TACTICALY SUPERIOR Russia. Lets level the playing field and let the best team win.

That is so much a dumb argument!. How about leaving Ukraine to fight it’s own battles also stopping US interventions around the world?

We are tired of US military interventions and ignoring or not recognizing other countries sovereignties. It’s no secret that the US is hated around the world for this very reason! Wake up from your stupor and grey dreams!

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