UK/US now shitholes but why?

How many Arabs has America managed to kill since, let’s say, 2003?

America supplied weapons to Saddam’s Iraq — How many Iranians were killed by Saddam (a CIA asset, just like the Shah)?

Arabs? Iranians are primarily Persian not Arab so quit moving the goal posts.

Right. How many Iraqis (as well as Libyans and Syrians) has America managed to kill since 2003?

Obviously not enough.

Right. The whole purpose of Zionism is to kill all Arabs and America is Israel’s pathetic proxy.

Nobody is trying to kill all of the Arabs, that’s pure BS.

If we’d killed enough of the right Radical Muslims though we’d have peace over at least most of the ME.

It’s still a work in progress.

Zionists want all Arabs dead.
But they want to keep their hands clean, so they hire Americans like you to do the dirty work.

More fabricated BS. There’s no effort to kill off all the Arabs period.

If you were on American soil minding your own effing business instead of interfering in the affairs of other countries in the arrogant belief that you know what’s best for them, they wouldn’t be killing Americans would they? I don’t believe I’m needing to point that out!

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LOL don’t know whether to laugh or be worried by that. What ‘progress’ has been made in Afghanistan over the last 16 years, and at what cost in young lives and trillions of dollars? How much longer is this ‘work in progress’ going to take?


We’re free people, we’re not required to remain on our own soil and the world’s economy is global.

Our gov’t protects us as individuals and our economic interests around the globe and has since the earliest days of our republic.

Our first war resulted from the Barbary Pirates of Africa attacking our vessels at sea.

Afghani’s aren’t even Arabs. Once again you prove to be a clueless boob that can’t stay on subject.

Only parts of each nation are, but those parts are growing larger, like an ever expanding asshole.

I’ve never thought of it like that? :laughing:

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You’re the one who keeps calling them Arabs, not me. Just go away and leave me alone ffs!

I didn’t call the Afghani’s Arabs. You’re lost again.

Once again earning the “clueless boob” award.

When the following statement was made, he was referring to the failed policies of the US and UK in the Muslim world. You are the one fighting the straw man by saying Afghanis are not Arabs. Everyone knows that.

No. One of the most brain-washed nations in the world. The propaganda machine is so perfect, the sheeple don’t know that have been brainwashed.

Just like Goethe said, the best slave is he one who thinks he is free.


If the government had any bullocks and was not involved in wars for money they could destroy dams agricultural hospitals transportation systems manufacturing a block of borders that 47 million would evaporate very quickly with minimal casualties to America and it’s allies Iran is not exactly a boogeyman compared to America’s military power

Afghans are not Arabs.

The rest is just laughable coming from a a brain damaged conspiracy nut that sees a ■■■ hiding in every corner, behind every bush, and lurking in the dark waiting to get you.

Not even that much is necessary. Most of the people of Iran are tired of living under radical Islamist rule, they’ve long ago been disarmed though and can do little or nothing about it.

A 10 day air campaign could destroy most of the IRG’s offensive capability, military infrastructure and communications, leadership and weapon’s stockpiles.

Follow that up by dropping small arms and ammunition in for the anti Islamists and let them earn their own freedom by removing the problem.