UK general election

People promise that all the time and never do. We heard a lot of that if Obama won.

David Cameron was a liar he claimed in his 2010 manifesto he would get net immigration down to tens of thousands but he didn’t even try he may have even increase commonwealth migration into the UK and that was the only immigration he really had full control over considering the EU freedom of movement he was a globalists to some extent but not in the same league as the other 3 in my opinion anyway time will probably expose David Cameron legacy of prime minister and at least he gave us the EU referendum

Good explanation, but the EU referendum was a lie, because as we all know he tried to bluff and was called out on it. The rest was history, and that will probably be his legacy.

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Holy crap! Corbyn really stepped in it this time!

Anger as Jeremy Corbyn claims he ‘won the arguments’ in general election after Labour’s devastating defeat

Harriet Harman calls for leader to resign, saying he shows unwillingness to understand reasons for defeat

You mean ‘Pumped-up Dave’? lol

Well that’s an unexpected bonus? :grin: Would that it would happen though? Yeah, and would that pigs could fly!

I’d be interested if that was true and I believe there is some evidence that he is - that is why I don’t trust him so much, but only time will tell

Many people have the attitude of “wait and see” but it may be too late.
I never said all of them are evil and some of my best friends are ■■■■■■■ but they oppose globalism a la Talmud.

The outrage train is rolling full speed ahead…and there are no brakes!

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ngl - that red head up front would be a lot of fun.

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I thought the UK was a white country, was it not?

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That is correct, it was…

So, where do you stand?
Should it be or should it not be?

To be or not to be…

1 in 3 school children are now non white it will not be a white country for much longer

Dam! That is what John Cleese said too! Time to introduce werewolves and upir’s to the population!

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And where is the greatest concentration of migrants?

Send them back where they come from.
Problem solved.

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