U.S. Warships Enter Disputed Waters of South China Sea as Tensions With China Escalate

Yeah keep living in your alternate realities because it’s obvious you are not living in this one to see how much you are making an ass out of yourself! What? You got a little over 400 likes since being here? Yeah ok! You are pretty funny!

Is “FFS” you favourite phrase to use? You sure do use that one a lot! You need some new material because for some one who claims they wrote a book but can’t show an expanded vocabulary is pretty hilarious to say in the least! Ha ha!

Sir Cerberus, the U.S. wouldn’t allow those islands to be built near us in the first place. If they were, we would have them instead of Communist China. We aren’t tje vountry trying to intimidate others or taking control of the world.The U.S. is the country that is by itself opposing Communist China with little help from other countries including yours.How much blood has been shed by other countries opposing Radical Islamic Terrorism??? Why do we practically stand alone opposing Iran ?? Why are we the only country opposing the the building of miliary bases in thr South China Sea??? Its not arrogance, its called opposing the spread of Communist influence .Why is it the U.S. doung everything. Where’s your country???


My country is, in a manner of speaking, your country too, because we’re your obedient little lapdog. But here’s the thing - whatever we do as a coalition, and wherever we do it (the middle east for example?) you can be sure of one thing - we’ll fuck it up, and make it ten times worse than it was. As to China’s perceived threat, we can apply the basic judicial presumption of ‘innocent until proven guilty’.


Thank you for the video.Maybe this helps Cerberus understand that Communist China isn’t innocent until proven guilty

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He doesn’t know shit! He’s just some toad sitting behind a computer somewhere pontificating moral platitudes that has no meaning. War breaks out there is not a thing he can do about it either other than scream more “FFS’s” and run around and light his hair on fire.

Yes, he probably believes those islands are tourist stops for cruise ships .They are threatening all shipping in that area along SE Asian countries. He doesn’t get it thst Communist China is also seeking control of the financial sector by threatening Hongkong . Does he excuse them from the spread of the Coorna virus??
What will they spread next?

He is a Maoist! He wants to immigrate to China, so any rational discussion with the toad is futile.

On the other matter, China bought over 2 billion PPE from various countries before telling the world there was a virus problem. What normally costs .50 per the CCP is now turning around and selling them for $7.00 per. The CCP already knew their economic downturn was happening, they just thought that the rest of the world should suffer along with them. This virus release was intentional and the rest of world is just waking up to that fact.

I feel for you being near there.It would be easy for them or anyone else to release a biological agent to wreck havoc on the world. I believe this is a test run for the future .

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I hope Sir Cerberus watches this video.He may actually learn something.

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The Chinese are the worlds largest contributor to destroying the environment. They don’t respect other countries sovereignty, individual rights, nor other countries cultures.

Want Proof? Just look at this story. Its why more and more the Chinese are being hated every new day because of shit like this!

This guy showed a lot of restraint, and I don’t think I would have done the same, I would have punch this guy out if he ever tried to do this to me and my land.

Have you two dimwits quite finished talking about me behind my back like a couple of old women? If you carry on, have the guts to include me by adding the @cerberus

And to recall that I said a few days ago ‘I like Americans’. But hey, I’ll just put this small-minded braggadocio down to being brainwashed right from the cradle how great America is, and now it’s ingrained into your DNA under the heading ‘America, right or wrong.’ No wonder you cause so much shit on this planet.

You pratt! Act your age for gods sake??

No! No body wants to talk to such a fking retard like you! Now fk off and go suck a bag of dildos!

Y’see, this is really why you don’t like me - because you know I’m no retard, and can see through your yankee-doodle-dandy bullshit. And what really hurts is that I call you out on it, and you can’t counter it because of the differences between our IQs, But that’s okay, I’ve come up against that juvenille mentality many times on forums over the years, so it’s like water off a duck’s back to me. :sunglasses:

So much for ‘The Special Relationship’? :sweat_smile: :rofl: :rofl:

China has been using the pandemic they started as cover to continue grabbing up more and more of the South China Sea figuring the other world powers with interests there would be side tracked with the virus.

We need to crush them economically with sanctions and reparations and pull all US Manufacturing out of China as fast as we can.

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I understood that’s exactly what The Donald intended to do - and should do. Did the Democrats veto it or something, and that’s why he hasn’t got around to it?