He adds nothing to the conversation but stupidity. I’m not sure why everyone hasn’t just put him on ignore.
I put him as all as his topics on ignore.
OH you bitter little guy…you just can’t take it huh donnie has lost. you everything
Everybody is jumping ship from your traitor retrumpliCON party…hehe
The corporations…the banks…tech your own party members GONE
Taste it you’re a bunch of total losers now TOTAL LOSERS!!
Congratulations you are the biggest retard this site has ever seen you have reached a new level retardation that modern science did not believe was achievable
Hey ricktheLOSS…Poor little loser…you regret going out on the limb for the biggest loser in 100 years…
the con man trumputin…
Now get down on your knees to your superiors the DEMOCRATS…
retrumpliCONS ARE A PATHETIC BUNCH of wannabees go back in the shadows
where you belong and start kissing the asses of the LEFT THE WINNERS
Now come back and kiss my as or I’ll have you banned!!!
Hey dumb fuck Rick is not American! Of course you love showing what a gigantic asshole you are!
this will be my last response to you for a little while however can you please elaborate on how you’re going to get me banned You’re the one running around taking shit not me
I never ignore and I had to put him on there…
And when you respond to the insanity you enable it to continue.
I agree. I think he’s purposely trying to get banned so he can claim we’re hypocrites. If we all ignore him, he’ll just go away because no one will read his shit and no one will respond.
HAHAHAHA You’ve got the most colossal ass hole in history FOR A GOOD REASON!!!
dr manHOLE…the leader of the circle jerkers club… Just for our information HOW BIG IS
YOUR ASS HOLE huh HOW BIG…You’ve got your big black buddies and nobody knows
why you hide them from view… reaming it out. huh…so sad!!!
Insurrection has consequences.
Tell that to BLM and Antifa.
For both sides obviously! Get used to the idea because it ain’t getting better. But you can continue to advocate for that unity bullshit while you call us Cultists which only further deepens our resolve for payback for all the bullshit your side put us through the last four years! Revenge is a dish best served cold, but don’t worry, most will tune out Biden as he makes his speeches from his basement and using media zoom avatars just like in the move “V” for Vendetta”! Going to be fun crapping on your president at every opportunity!
There is and was no insurrection.
Did you both to read for yourself the Trump speech???
I’m not advocating for unity but rather fairness and systems that work for both business owners and workers. There is only so much a secular country can accommodate intolerant lifestyles and dangerous groups.
Unity, ROTFMMAO. That would require compromise and for the next 2 years that is out.
Fair share, is that like a little bit more, fair share?
What do you think the taxpayers owe you???
Or ae you just going to bitch about it?
Yeah OK. (Sarcasm) Keep living in your alternative universe not rooted in reality.
Life is a zero sum game while you continue to invalidate the ones you ideologically admonish and oppose only furthers an untenable situation to being the greater divide, especially through means by illegitimately winning elections by cheating is not going away anytime soon nor is it going to be forgotten no matter how much you try advocating for your social issues as being just without consensus, in the long run you lose. Especially considering the totalitarian route your side chooses to go now, it never ends well when that happens, history says so you just choose to be naive about it!
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of life, liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. -Thomas Jefferson