Two articles of impeachment

Again, after over 4 years of witch hunting Star caught Clinton lying about a blow job under oath.

Trump and the republicans have blocked witness testimony, defied subpoenas and been completely hypocritical about it.

When the shoe was on the other foot, this is what Lindsey Graham had to say about it.

“You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic if this body determines that your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role,”

“The day Richard Nixon failed to answer that subpoena is the day he was subject to impeachment because he took the power from Congress over the impeachment process away from Congress, and he became the judge and jury," Graham said two decades ago.

Fuck the hypocrites on the right, Trump is getting the same asterisk next to his name that they gave Clinton.

Really? Nancy Pelosi said impeachment must have overwhelming evidence and bipartisan support. This hyperpartisan hate fest has neither.

But hey, the Constitution specifies impeachment requires proof of treason, bribery or high crimes and misdemeanors, neither of the counts alleges any of these. That’s the polar opposite of what impeachment ought to look like.

The attempt to deflect to Clinton isn’t going to work. This is a thread about the two articles of the Democrats impeachment frenzy.

You were challenged to show where in the Constitution the text forbids the President from enacting foreign policy for his so-called personal benefit. You made the claim, now back it up or retract it. :wink:

I showed you exactly what Graham said about it when the shoe was on the other foot…

You still want to undo an election . :grin: :grin:

Under impeachment law, the House of Representatives may not constitutionally impeach a president and the Senate may not constitutionally remove him merely because they think his policies are misguided or harmful. They may not impeach or remove him because they don’t like his rhetoric. Or because he tweets too much. Or because he paid hush money to a prostitute while he was still a private citizen. Or because he fired someone they don’t think should have been fired. Or because (like every president for the first 185 years of the republic) he didn’t release his tax returns. Or because his party lost a certain number of seats in Congress.

Nor may they impeach or remove because the president owns shares in businesses that, in the course of ordinary market transactions, sell to foreign governments. Or because he is “the worse president ever” the lament of every incumbent’s opponents. They may not impeach or remove a president to stop him from being re-elected.

We do not have a parliamentary form of government where the legislature controls the executive. The president is independent of Congress. He is elected for a fixed term and is responsible to the people directly. To protect the president’s independence, Constitution narrows the grounds for impeachment to commission of a felony Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes or high Misdemeanors.”

Some claim the phrase “high misdemeanors” means whatever Congress wants it to mean. They are wrong. If it were true, the Constitution’s framers would not have listed grounds for impeachment. They would have let Congress choose whatever grounds it wished. If Congress could impeach and remove for any reason, the president would be a prime minister, dependent on the whims of the legislature.

And not 1 shred of proof to date from you or the house.





Your average democrat voter has been lied to over and over again being promised the big take down of orange man bad and every time the allegations, the accusations and the innuendos turn out to be huge let downs. Your average democrat voter is realizing there is no substance in these big media networks. It all sounds good until you realize your still emptied handed. Big Media can’t be trusted.

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Do you have a link to your claim of 400 bills being passed in the House since the Dems took over in 2018?

The only link I see claiming 400 bills being held up in the Senate shows an article written in April 2016.

You should post some links to back up your claims.

He also said it was a presumption on his part. He had no proof of it.


Housing is Infrastructure Act of 2019
College Affordability Act
FHA Foreclosure Prevention Act of 2019
LGBTQ Data Inclusion Act
Every Child Deserves a Family Act
Promoting Human Rights for Palestinian Children Living Under Israeli Military Occupation Act
Marijuana Justice Act of 2019
To redesignate the Jimmy Carter National Historic Site as the “Jimmy Carter National Historical Park”.
Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair Act of 2019
Student Borrower Protections Act of 2019
Fair Indexing for Health Care Affordability Act
Training for Realtime Writers Act of 2019
Homes for All Act of 2019
Restore Everyone’s Sleep Tonight Act of 2019

A number of post office renaming.

A very small sampling.


I’ve been wanting a list of the “dying bills”. Where did you find those?

Here’s an interesting article on such bills. Though it is from 2016, it describes the backlog in the Senate as not out if the ordinary.

On Edit:
Eureka! I have found it!

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Can you imaging that most of the bills require funding. The expansion of the national deficit often ignored by the people submitting and passing the bills.

That is awesome LouMan!

You need to start a separate thread for this as I think it would be constructive to have discussions on these very specific bills and why they fail and tear down the rationale of the left on why they fail too!

Thy generate hundreds of useless pandering bills that if passed would generate billions in cost to the taxpayers.

Professor Feldman, who testified as a Democrat witness in the House Judiciary Committee’s public hearings on impeachment. Meaning Trump has not been impeached.