They live for confusion! That is no way to live. Always confused? What hell is that?


They go by the name democrat these days . They claim to be champion to black , yet they started the KKK , they killed 150,000 Americans to keep slavery alive and well . They claim to be the champion of women’s right , yet they encourage men to compete in women’s sports breaking long standing records . They claim to be the champion of the poor , yet when in office inflation rates hit double digits . They claim to be champion of the envirment yet the fly around the Country in jets on a daily basis .

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An iconic image of a president taking a bullet for “We the People”. Literally!


Trump gain many votes and donations that day as well he should !!!

I have to admit with all these story lines making news makes us outsiders living on the fringe of chaos. Hard to keep up.

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That is probably by design, create as much chaos as possible.

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This will pale in comparison to the upcoming dem convention in Chicago , if you thought Chicago was dangerous just wait and watch this shit show !!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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