šŸš¦TUCKER CARLSON leaving Fox News, IMMEDIATELY! Original

Yet, you continue to bitch about it being duplicated. :rofl:

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Well they tryā€¦ but you canā€™t beat the original lolā€¦.

Time for another chat? @Roamingwyoming

Anyone know why @Dr_Manhattan duplicated this thread? @KVN

The original

What a great interview

So you openly admit that you are purposely harassing me through personal messages?

Not very bright ion your part!

Go ahead I will appeal by filing a formal complaint in a private message to the moderators here. I think when we threaten legal action it will get their attention to act.

See the DMCA statute

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Why does his (Dr M) thread get more views and yours is stuck on the wrong tagline that is outdated?

You are not very good at this and you smell like a dependent parasite desperate for attention!:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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So me asking you to stop harassing provoking me in posts is against the law lol :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::brain::brain::brain::rofl::rofl::index_pointing_at_the_viewer::index_pointing_at_the_viewer:
Keep up the attacking on the board me and you are going to have another chat lol

Well because he duplicated my threads. My creative head lines were so awesome he couldnā€™t bear it. Lol what a loserā€¦ I mean go back to school learn some creative writing skills or something. Haha

Along with his fake accounts that he uses to bump his threads out of desperation for the attention that his mother with multiple boyfriends didnā€™t give him, the Jizzard hasnā€™t figured out that Tucker already left Fox News.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Just ask him how long it takes him to run the mile and see what his response is.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Hey pickle smoochers you guys want to stop derailing my thread?

Go hot tub talk in your own treads lmfao


You offer nothing of value to this site.

Where do you work???

What do you do for a living other than lie?



What do think you are doing after being asked not to send me personal messages? It seems you love to demonstrate what a hypocrite looks like on several occasions!

And if you think by citing my handle with a ā€œ @ā€œ in order to bait people makes you clever. It doesnā€™t it only makes look small and petty who is acting like a 6 year.

Keep sending me personal messages and find out!

Keep up the attacking on the board me and you are going to have another chat lol

Go look up cyber stalking laws in your state and educate yourself. This site gets a legal complaint against it and they will shut you down. Essentially purposely harassing people with private message is what your open threats are .

You need to grow up!

BTW you like to repeat what Dr M has told you about your lack of writing skills, so now you are reverse projecting again! How many books have you published?

I know you will make something up in that regards too such as telling people we will have to pay for that info. Remember your claims about appearing on Foxnews? Did you really think people would buy that? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

People here are laughing at you

You would never get a straight answer, but he does like using the same material over again suggesting his limited knowledge of creating original material. Having no self awareness of this fact is rather telling in many ways!

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All my messages to you have been to leave me alone, youā€™re stalking me, and Iā€™ll ask you again, leave me alone stop attacking me on the threads, stop purposely bumping duplicated threads to provoke me. Or me and you are gonna have a little chatā€¦ okay?
My chats have been to break off communication, not continue it, so again, if you donā€™t want a chat boy leave me aloneā€¦ understand?

Right up there with accusing others of what he is guilty of such as duplicating other peopleā€™s threads here! Retarded is the best way to describe such a loser!

Or they just duplicate my threads to try to stay relevant on here lol.