Trump's accomplishments in the first week

He got the US out of WHO and now this.
What will he do in the second week?
And the first month?

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Monty Python
They trolled LGTBCDEF… XYZ many years ago.

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Interesting that Trump mentions 1913.
(@4:40 or so)
The year of the Federal Reserve Act.

In case you’re wondering. The Fed is a private bank owned by Joos.

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I’m aware of what the Fed is. The problem is that we have nothing to say about it. It doesn’t matter who owns it… we are getting fucked by it… and we can’t do anything about it.

Need to stop paying tribute to already rich Joos who control the US government in many ways. We don’t call them banksters for nothing.

Far side of the Trump orders. They sound good, but what if his orders are not followed?

I think its ironic that many pundits who are pro Israel lobby are now claiming that anti antisemitism is on the rise. Is it on the rise because many are waking up to the fact that the important aspects of everyday working people’s lives is controlled by institutions run by joos or because White supremacists just hate joos?