I watched the Trump rally on Venezuela today, Trump used the opportunity not only to support the people of Venezuela, but to proclaim Socialism not just dying, but Dead!
Note: In the biased Leftist media it is difficult to find an un-biased straight piece of reporting with quotes on this in order and not restructured to be the tour de force speech that it was.
I watched it live and could not believe that we finally have an American President that will take on the Left, Progressives, South American disasters, immigration problems at their roots: Socialism.
First he takes on Venezuela as an example of the results of Socialism:
“socialism has so completely ravaged Venezuela… that even the world’s largest reserves of oil are not enough to keep the lights on.”
Then he goes after Socialism as a proven failed ideology of the last century that should be left on the ash-heap of history:
“Socialism promises prosperity, but it delivers poverty,”
“Socialism by its very nature does not respect borders. It does not respect the boundaries or the sovereign rights of its citizens or its neighbors. It’s always seeking to expand, to encroach, and subjugate others to its will,”
He brings in a Reaganesque moment later on Twitter:
“I ask every member of the Maduro regime: End this nightmare of poverty, hunger and death. LET YOUR PEOPLE GO. Set your country free! Now is the time for all Venezuelan Patriots to act together, as one united people. Nothing could be better for the future of Venezuela!”
Finally, he goes on to look for a free Hemisphere in North and South America, as Socialism, Communism, and Dictators fall in S. America:
“The twilight of socialism has arrived in our hemisphere and frankly in many other places in the world.”
“Socialism is dying and liberty, prosperity and democracy are being reborn” throughout the hemisphere, "
“This will become the first free hemisphere in all of human history.”