Trump to Sign Executive Order Making Judaism a Nationality

And you can bitch about it all you want, Trump will do what he does. It’s much like the DACA E.O.

The only difference is when it goes to court and it will, it will be tossed. End of story.

One has to ask, what is he thinking? Which advisor gave him the idea, advantages of doing this?

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Wow, I’m impressed with the honesty…:+1:

Indeed, Obama was excoriated by the right for doing the very same thing and it’s refreshing to see you here holding Trump accountable…

Two things that are great about this:

  1. He is making ■■■■ very visible, by turning the mainstream gaze towards ■■■■■ This is never good for ■■■■■

  2. He is pitting the ■■■■ against each other, by using his own divisive personage to deepen the existing divisions between the factions. This is also a good thing.

It occurred to me early in his presidency, when he moved the US embassy to Jerusalem, that he could indeed be playing the 4D chess, by making so many concessions to ■■■■ (and doing so very publicly) as a way to reveal to the masses just how much power the ■■■■ have in the USA. As it happens, I don’t believe that this was the intended outcome, but this is the de facto outcome. Ditto the executive order declaring ■■■■ a “nationality” not a “religion”. For their longterm survival in the USA, this is the last thing they need.

Good stuff.

You want to wake up the goyim, talk about how much you love ■■■■ 24/7 and how you’ve done more for Israel than any other president… as you do fuck all for your base, and stand by as a rival faction of ■■■■ very publicly expose themselves trying to oust you.

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I dont see whats the big fuss over this. If anything, lots of ■■■■ and otherwise are getting their panties in a twist with this E.O., comparing it to the Nazi’s ■■■■■■ badges tactics by somehow singling out ■■■■■ Someone please points out to me exactly where the concession is?

It imposes a penalty for protesting over the actions/beliefs of a single group of people. A group of people that represents 2% of the US population but has an outrageously large presence in the media and academia. This is all about BDS.

Personally, I don’t care for Israel or the Palestinians. It would be nice if they annihilated one another all at once. But, this makes it a penalty to protest a policy position of Zionists. That’s no good.

As an example, I am pro-life because of my Christian beliefs. Will there be penalties for having pro-choice rallies on college campuses? If not, then this EO needs to be scrapped.

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So it’s OK to be a ■■■■

Looking forward to Trump doing the same for Whites.

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The definition also includes “denying the ■■■■■■ people their right to self-determination,” which lists “claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor” among such denials.

Yeah can we get that but…

The definition also includes “denying White people their right to self-determination,” which lists “claiming White people are uniquely racist” among such denials.

That’d be nice.

How bout it Donald?

So you either vote for Republicans who:

  • shill for Israel with support by 20% of ■■■■■
  • sometimes support policies that promote societal cohesion but more often cede ground over time


vote for Democrats who:

  • also shill for Israel with ~80% of ■■■■■
  • advocate for mostly ■■■■■■ liberal policies which have proven to promote division in society
  • see a minority of members publicly criticise the state of Israel (as a means of controlled opposition)


You get called an anti-Semite anyway?

Here’s a thought, why not put America First?

*~90% of all ■■■■ support or claim to be Zionist whether Dem or GOP

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0.2 shekels have been added to your account for this post.

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I would be far more concerned if everyone agreed with anything anyone had said.

Just wait a few years, it’s coming.

Because it is “The ■■■■■■ State”, the “Last Refuge for ■■■■ of the World”, and they are culturally connected to Israel as ■■■■■

“America First” is not synonymous with “To the exclusion of any and all others”.

First implicitly puts things in numerical order of importance.

No one here cares what you have to say. You earned your shekel for posting this, now be gone.

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