Trump to declare emergency over wall

I don’t much care for Trump but I don’t see how we can lay the blame at his feet on this one. If republicans in congress won’t have his back on it there isn’t much more he can do.

He can not sign the bill, that’s a start.

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And that gets him what? Blame for shutting down the government, that’s about it. Dems aren’t going to cave to that and give him the funding.

This is BULLSHIT! Here is what we are getting.

  • Basically amnesty
  • Less money for wall than ever
  • Specific placement of wall and type
  • 2x money for foreign aid
  • less housing for illegals so they get let free in the US
  • protects illegals from various forms of being brought in if they are caught

So what? Does anyone actually care if the government gets shut down? He should’ve shut it down and shouldn’t have caved when it was shut down. No matter what he does the Democrats will blame him. Trump’s biggest mistake was falling into this trap. Who cares what the Democrats have to say - they just played him into killing his base for 2020 - that’s what the Dems have always wanted. He just handed it to them.

And…your point is what? He can declare the National Emergency and build it anyway.

Trump thought he could compromise with the other side before, so he’s using this as a last resort. In the bill, it states that the border wall can only be built at a certain point by the Rio Grande, making it ineffective to fund the wall. Not only that, but they give themselves pay raises in the bill. It’s basically a big “F You” to Trump. So declaring a national emergency is the last resort, and thus, resorted to it he did.

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On the second sentence, you’re comparing apples to oranges. Protecting a country’s sovereignty does not and should not give the green light to push unConstitutional laws- the difference is, one is against the constitution while the other complies with it. Trump is well within his means to call a national emergency. And this “tit for tat” thing the Democrats are doing is really immature.

He’s kind of damned if he did, damned if he didn’t. If he did sign the bill, as he already has, then he would get backlash from Conservatives for signing something with so much pork. If he didn’t sign it, then it would come off as him being unreasonable and shooting down any bills that subsidized the border wall, since he already vetoed a previous bill that did that; Democrats would then be able to blame it on him, saying that he didn’t keep his promises. It’s a lose-lose situation.

Future presidents are going to do what they want via Executive Order. I don’t put it past a future president to declare a National Emergency over “climate change” and the voodoo science that we are smart enough to do anything about it.

In the meantime, real Americans are being killed each year by illegals be it via crime or the drugs they cart across the border.

The illegals are a drain on our resources: welfare, health and education and suppressing wages for middle class Americans.

There is nothing to be gained for America or Americans by allowing this to continue… unless you are a politician or have a need for cheap labor.

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So what’s the judicial difference between this national emergency and all the other ones? There’s been plenty of national emergencies declared by Clinton, Bush, and Obama. Why is this one so different?



This one involves moving funding from other areas of the government to CBP. No other national emergencies declaration involved moving money from other areas of the government by the executive branch

He had two years in which he didn’t have to compromise with the other side.

Why didn’t he do something then?

“Real Americans” are being killed by guns at a alarming rate. Far more than illegals killing Americans.

So I guess we should also declare a national emergency for that too?

LOL - which the President has the authority to do.

Sounds like they missed one :rofl:


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Years from now, when people look back and try to figure out what went wrong and when with the Trump Presidency, they can point to the day he signed this monstrous, bloated budget deal, and sold us out to the Deep State. Time for third party…though it may be too late.

So you justify the killing of Americans by illegals with a gun argument? How about cars? Should we declare a national emergency over that?

Here are my thoughts – the law Trump signed is now law – illegal immigrants now get all sorts of new protections for trafficking in more children. Trump, as president, is bound by the constitution to enforce that law. That law will continue in effect after Trump is long gone. Trump’s emergency declaration will be tied up in the courts, and will end in 2 years.

We’ve been sold out.