Is this just typical Trump lack of organizing ability or a metaphor for his entire presidency?
The buses, the huge crowd soon learned, couldn’t navigate the jammed airport roads. For hours, attendees — including many elderly Trump supporters — stood in the cold as police scrambled to help those most at risk get to warmth, and some were taken to hospitals.
The cultists only get one chance in their lives to see Hitler’s face as he passes. Standing in the cold for hours to get lied to. These are sad excuses for humans.
It is Callous Disregard for the people who support him. I have read several commentators in the past few days focusing on this aspect of Trumpism. He whines about having to show up to a rally in cold weather in Michigan, he begs suburban women, who he has consistently trashed, to vote for him because racism, he organizes/conducts this clusterfuck, etc., etc.
All of that theater excites them
Train wrecks, car crashes, and clown shows draw crowds, too.
Its more of a symptom of projection. He hates himself more. All his failures in life are not of his own but one in which an oppressive system has denied him of his entitlements. Also I suspect serious daddy issues to which such contempt for a man in the White House draws such ire.
They are just mad that Biden couldnt draw 1/10 the crowd size and enthusiasm (despite bad weather and traffic incidences) even on his best, unlidded days.
It’s Beautiful. Trump got 3x the expected support. Over 30,000 supporters showed up. That’s a good thing. Biden can’t get a couple dozen circles filled.