Trump Pulls Nomination for Former U.S. attorney for D.C. Jesse Liu to Treasury post

I was waiting to see what was going to happen with Jesse Liu’s confirmation hearing suspecting it was going to be another rubber stamp as she was nominated to a position to the treasury where previously she held a position at the DOJ but before posting a more detailed look as to why news of this story recently took a different turn. As most here who have been paying attention, its no secret that the senate Intelligence committee is probably the most corrupt body in all of DC led by the swamp creatures of Mark Warner, and Richard Bur who by most accounts have been covering up for a lot of the criminal element that has been pervasive and preventing justice to be served by holding certain people accountable for breaking the law. This story goes back to committee staff member James Wolf who back in 2018 was found guilty of leaking classified information with a reporter that he was having an affair with. (Surprise, surprise).

So the back story, now being considered being than “Spygate” is now getting traction in various recent news reports as Jessie Liu who was then at the DOJ the one who decided not to further prosecute James Wolf and many wondered why?

Now to the present moment.

Some stunning information from Lou Dobbs

“In a tremendous exposé on Fox Business with Lou Dobbs, the intrepid bringer of sunlight outlined how the Senate Intelligence Committee Security Director James Wolfe leaked the FISA application used against Carter Page and how DC U.S. Attorney Jessie Liu dropped all charges related to the leak and instead only charged Wolfe with one count of lying to FBI investigators. Wolfe only received a 60 day sentence.”

All this when the Roger Stone case is now coming under heavy scrutiny and the Michael Flynn case is still being delayed in its sentencing.

President Trump is withdrawing his nomination for former U.S. attorney for D.C. Jessie Liu to serve as the Treasury Department’s undersecretary for terrorism and financial crimes, a top position overseeing economic sanctions, according to two sources with direct knowledge.

The big picture: Liu was confirmed in September 2017 to lead the largest U.S. attorney’s office in the country, overseeing a number of politically charged prosecutions that included the case against Trump associates Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort and other spinoffs from the Mueller investigation.

  • Liu stepped down from the U.S. attorney’s office last month after Trump announced his intention to nominate her to the Treasury position in December 2019.
  • Liu was expected to stay in her position through her confirmation — with a hearing before the Senate Banking Committee scheduled for this Thursday — but was unexpectedly informed last month that Attorney General Bill Barr was replacing her with his close adviser Timothy Shea.
  • She was informed that Trump was pulling her nomination Tuesday afternoon.

Behind the scenes: This was “the president’s call,” according to a former administration official familiar with the situation. The decision, which was made today, has administration officials questioning the circumstances that led to Trump changing his mind — with the developments in the Roger Stone case today being the only new information they are aware of.

  • Four career prosecutors from the D.C. attorney’s office withdrew from the Stone case after the Justice Department overruled them on a sentencing recommendation.


I’m assuming no one in the Trump administration has ever heard of prosecutorial discretion? It’s actually a thing that prosecutors use to ensure that the right charges are applied based on the circumstances.

And the Durham Report isn’t even out yet :rofl:

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You can actually try reading the details of the OP instead posting your crapping partisan views here!

I did read it. I thought the biggest source of contention was the fact that Wolfe only got a 60 day sentence due to the reduction of charges. Did I miss something?

Yeah you missed quite a bit. You didn’t read it, you watched the video. This is a story that back dates since the day Trump took office. Spend a little time and start reading up, there is more to the Wolf sentencing, but more to do with Jessie Liu’s nomination being withdrawn. Read the OP!

Interesting… …

This is where a tl;dr comes in - OP. Your opening paragraph was completely devoid of context.

Anyway back to the prosecutorial discretion…how do we know that Wolfe didn’t flip in exchange for a lighter sentence?

No it is not devoid of context, hence the fact there are relevant links provided for you to read. Your question on prosecutorial discretion is irreverent to what is being discussed here. If you can’t be bothered to actually read the links and to discuss what is being stated in this OP then don’t waste my time.

One more enemy of this administration gone. Like the way he did this though…effectively fired her without all the ruckus the Democrats would raise if she had been directly fired. Slick.

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Also purging the NSC by using the means of downsizing too, which IMO is a major source where a lot of leaking was coming from. I just wished Trump would have considered this when he first took office, but there is more at play here behind the scenes then we actually know about.

I think he was pretty naive when the came into office and never imagined that his own white house staff could include traitors.

He had the opportunity to choose from the best and brightest that America has to offer. President Trump stood up a job application site for people who wanted to serve in his administration. I know I sent my resume in and I know plenty of other people who did too… Maybe he was naive but he had a real chance to bring on his supporters who would have worked tirelessly to implement his agenda.

Did you really think or do you still imagine that Trump was or has the time available to interview candidates for all of the available jobs in the federal gov’t?

Hell other than a handful of political appointees he can’t even legally fire anyone without months or years of hearings and appeals because of the laws protecting federal employees.

James Wolfe was a staff member of the senate committee, not a senator.

USAJOBs is for civil service positions within the US government.

The Trump website was set up for bringing on Schedule C political appointees who wanted to serve in his administration.

Schedule C political appointees can be fired at any time and for any reason.

Do you recall we had the House and they worked against him? Paul Ryan ring any bells?

Ok Thanks for the clarification.

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Robert O’Brien: More Cuts Coming for National Security Council Staff

Lyan Ryan was the biggest rat of them all, so much so that someone dedicated to creating an Icon for him specifically
