Trump CNN town hall. (O)

Trump is slaying this wack job , who ever she is. He’s prepared, he’s witty, funny.

Wow trump is killing it tonight!

Holy shit they are muting the audience going crazy for trump lol

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Omg the town hall was supposed to go an hour and a half, cnn pulled it because trump was steam rolling the Twit lol

Omg msnbc is blaming the crowd for clapping lol bahahah omg

MSNBC is in full melt down mode! It’s hilarious!

Omg the melt down is on lol

When you have the original why would you want the spin off? Lol

I think the biggest take away from this town hall’s reaction is how pissed off democrats are that the crowd loved trumps answers lol… if that’s not Stalin like I’m I don’t know what is!

That’s how you bury a mother fcuka lol

WHO’s triggered this morning? Haha

Wow man you really trigger him today lol hahhaha

Yeah it’s pretty easy. He’s so mad I have the original lol

Orginal is always the best one

Yup the original… no one else can claim it

He’s getting to triggered, he can’t handle it lol