Ouch! This is going to leave a mark! Great speech by Trump!
He’s right and I believe this is the same “Top Cop” that just got a vote of “no confidence” by the rank and file wasn’t it?
Chicago is a waste land , so who cares ?
That is correct! Loved the speech and it was truthful!
Well if we just resign ourselves to indifference for all the bad liberal cities of the country then half of it is lost. Not a winning strategy IMO.
Indeed it was. The police have no confidence in him and we’re cheering Trump for calling him out. Obviously, the media is trying to spin this a million different ways from Trump being racist to Chicago actually still being a beautiful and safe place…neither of which are true.
Given the incessant howling by the Resistance insisting Trump is a total failure at everything they are silent about his failure as a racist to increase black and Hispanic unemployment. In fact both are at historic lows.