True The Vote Wins Historic $2 Million Settlement Against IRS…

News we might have missed as MSM will not cover the story. Surprise surprise!

Last week Catherine Engelbrecht announced a historic legal victory in her decade long battle against the IRS for targeting her group, True The Vote, as part of the Obama administration’s weaponization program against political opposition.

Full story:


That’s great news. Yes, the MSM will NEVER report that because it demonstrates one of Obama’s many crimes.

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Sadly that probably only covers a fraction of their losses and legal fees associated with the case.

It’s a good start.
Nothing to be sad about. (Sad for ■■■■ and ■■■■■■■■■■ of course)

But the fight isn’t over until the real boss of the IRS, the Federal Reserve that is, is done away with.

Awe Magog posting with many of his personalities couldn’t help himself!

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The sad part is the American working TAXPAYER is the actual payee and the victim !

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True, those actually responsible are never going to have to pay a dime and will spend the balance of their lives collecting a taxpayer funded pension.

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It is a good start, better late than never as at least 5 presidents have used the IRS to harass political opposition. Unfortunately, 2 million dollars can’t seemingly cover the real expenses of the group over nearly a decade, and too bad that the head of the IRS isn’t going to prison, and too bad that the monies awarded will probably just be paid out of the IRS budget…

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We always are the victim of Democrat Liberal corruption


Amen to that fact !!! :hot_face::hot_face: