❗"True The Vote" +++UPDATE+++ VOTER FRAUD++++ GA,AZ,WI,PA,MI❗

One of the objectives of the Jan 6 committee sham is to discredit that voter fraud occurred in the 2020 election. The internet never forgets as we continue with the steady drip drip of more reporting of voter irregularities this time in Dekalb Co.

The ensuing case, Bailey v. Antrim Co, produced a report from J. Alex Halderman titled “Analysis of Antrim County, Michigan, November 2020 Election Incident.” Halderman is no stranger to Georgia voters either after he released another report, this time on Dominion ICX machines in Georgia that led the CISA to release an advisory acknowledging major vulnerabilities on the Dominion Democracy Suite software. CISA also released a list of mitigation recommendations for these vulnerabilities that has gone wildly unacknowledged by the oblivious election officials in Georgia. It is worth noting that this report is still sealed from the public by Judge Amy Totenberg. Why would a report outlining vulnerabilities in our elections be concealed from the public? This in and of itself should be infuriating.

This article is going to draw similarities between the Antrim Co report and what happened in Dekalb Co but has gone relatively unchecked.

Shit is about to blow in Georgia


Let’s see, how about we slow down the count on election night, then resume recounting in the morning. Then overnight we find out what we are short and slip in hundreds of thousands of votes at 4 o’clock in the morning.

Nah, that’ll never work.


Something seriously stinks in Colorado

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Here in Pa,we’ll be in hell come November if Fetteroff and Shapiro win.

I keep hearing those names. Fetteroff, didn’t he have a stroke recently?

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Fking awesome when things get shaken up! Lets hope this trend continues. Awesome win last night by Blake Masters!

This is huge news. John Ratcliffe when he was head of ODNI knew this as well but failed to release this information while Trump was still in office and days after the election.

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Alert of Voter Fraud in Texas

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81 million votes…lol.

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