Trans terror? Trans duo revealed as suspects in killing of a Vermont border patrol officer

On Inauguration Day, the shocking news that a US Border Patrol officer had been shot dead near the Canadian border in Vermont in an incident involving a now-deceased foreign national was overshadowed by coverage of Donald Trump’s events in the nation’s capital.

One week later, a 21-year-old Washington woman was charged over the deadly incident, but little has been reported about her and her deceased accomplice, a German man.

This story goes much deeper as Andy Ngo who has been covering subjects like ANTIFA and the trans community where terror cells across the country are now engaged in a killing spree to which many victims of this unreported organization have been under surveillance for quite some time. With Trump’s election win and this administrations proclamation to remove Trans from the military and women’s sports is only exacerbating the situation to the point that there now appears a serial killing spree is just reached its apex of getting into the mainstream narrative as a danger to public safety. Remember the school shooting in Tennessee where the FBI blocked the release of the trans manifesto? There seems to be a much larger threat on the horizon to which Law Enforcement Officials are being tight lipped about. Perhaps due to ongoing investigations that they don’t want to alert the public about or maybe purposeful coverup to protect a protected class? Speculations abound in a myriad of theories and will only continue until more of the truth is exposed and dealt with.

Andy Ngo’s substack does a much deeper dive into this story and beyond.

They ought to be good guys…
No wonder the Joo media is not reporting.

This trans gender BS must stop.