The song that never ends about the event that never happened takes us to The Netherlands
It’s an absolute hoax.
The original of the “diary” was written in English and then translated into Dutch to match the narrative.
(I discovered a few translation errors in that process).
Surely the girl existed, but her family was not hiding from anybody.
The Germans did their best to save the would-be immigrants to Palestine from the claws of the murderous Bolsheviks by moving them from Auschwitz to Bergen-Belsen, near Hannover, where Anne succumbed to a disease due to lack of food and medication (caused by the Allied bombing).
Nazi camps, including Auschwitz, had ■■■■■■ soccer leagues.
This one definitely did not end well. And it hasn’t finished yet.
We Were Not Told The Cost to Us of Multiculturalism
the white gentile Americans will regret the demise of their public safety, incomes, self-respect, and their displacement in their own country by immigrant-invaders brought in by white liberal gentiles and Joos.
The original claim of the gas chambers of Auschwitz was made in May of 1945 by Joseph Stalin’s ■■■■■■ dominated “Extraordinary State Commission”, AFTER Germany’s unconditional surrender. AGAIN, with neither investigation nor confirmation, Stalin’s ‘gas chambers’ claim was publicized in the ■■■■■■ owned New York Times; the most “prestigious” newspaper in the world.
Even geniuses make minor mistakes…
What interests me is the history of Asian Khazars. After their kingdom or kaganate (“Kagan” is their word for “ruler” and it’s a common Ashkenazi name) was destroyed by Russia, there is a sudden increase in the “■■■■■■■ " population throughout Europe.
Goes to show Khazaria was the birth place of Ashkenazis, not Palestine.
(I’m not in agreement with the content but it’s a good presentation)
And a lot of them went to America where they prolonged WW1 and made WW2 inevitable.
If not for them WW2 would never have happened.
WWI actually never ended.
It was just the beginning of WWII.
What’s the whole idea?
Destroy the European civilization.
Planned results: Destruction of Germany and Christian Russia.
France wasn’t a great country anyway, whilst England was utterly impoverished as a result of the war(s).
Federal Reserve was created in 1913 and WWI started the following year.
Coincidence? I don’t think so.
The power to literally alter the geo-political course of history – either for bad or for good – is generally confined to a very small group of men. When assessing this demonic phenomenon we call " The New World Order, " all roads eventually lead to the Jooish Rothschilds of Europe.
The Immigration Bill of 1897 would have required immigrants to pass a literacy test; something that Russian Joos would not have been able to do. After passing both Houses of Congress, Cleveland’s veto, induced by Schiff, saved the day for the incoming Communist and Zionist Joos of Russia.
The NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) is the most well-known Black American organization. What is not widely known is that its founders were ALL Zionist Marxists!
Communism (socialism and political correctness) and Zionism are two sides of the same coin.
Being attacked by the ADL and Google is a good sign.
Is this the main reason the MSM and Joos hate Trump so much.
The Trump administration’s war on pedophiles and human traffickers is well documented, you just have to look outside of the MSM, because they don’t cover much of it.
Facebook has hired Emi Palmor, former director-general of Israel’s justice ministry, as a member of its new oversight board which will censor content on the site. The company’s chief operations officer Sheryl Sandberg has also declared that FaceBook is using “…the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition ‘in informing [its] own approach and definitions,’ that its new policy ‘draws on the spirit—and the text—of the IHRA,’ and that under Facebook’s policy, ‘Joos and Israelis are treated as “protected characteristics.’”
Israel/Zionists own the media, Fbook, Google, Twitter, Youknowwho-tube… So-called alternative media (Not really).
Serious researchers point out that mainstream is more powerful than governments which simply come and go.
A lot of agricultural work around Auschwitz.
Sport events in the “death camp” including a swimming pool.
Soccer match inmates vs Germans.
Anne Frank’s diary written in ball-point pen, and in adult handwriting.
(They conveniently added passages in childish handwriting, and claimed that Anne used two types of handwriting depending on whom she was writing to.)
The “Anne Frank House” in Amsterdam does not match the description in the “diary.”