This may be the smoking gun in the Russia investigation

Taking bets on how many ‘bombshells’ we get tomorrow that will bring down Trump.


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Who to believe… the Mueller witches or Buzzfeed? This is going to be tough

b-but they’re Pulitzer prize winning investigative reporters!



Normalfag leftists are damage controlling hard, grasping straws that “w-well, Mueller didn’t debunk it ALL, just few specific parts of it, read between the lines”

But until real evidence crops up for all intents and purposes it’s Fake News.

I seem to have heard this before. :thinking:


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Mueller and his 13 Angry Democrats sticking up for Trump? Seems unlikely.

Yep! just went through major MSM networks and they continue to say that even though none of them has been able to corroborate the buzzfeed story and despite Mueller’s stating that the reporting is inaccurate, they are doubling down.

Serious DTS in play here.

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Do you believe Mueller or Buzzfeed?

Yep. Still trying to spin it to their advantage.

Yours isn’t a serious question so I won’t respond to it.

I made my position very clear from the first post in this thread. And not surprisingly so have you.

We have nothing left to say to each other.

So you believe Mueller… thanks

For some time now I’ve been pointing out that the hostility of the Left towards Russia make it seem more likely rather than less that Russia really has really put communism behind it.

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No, Russia is just a temporary scapegoat. In their current state of 24/7 propaganda, their disdain for Russia can turn on a dime and the entire herd can be lauding Putin as a seasoned mature world leader. A large enough satchel of money to the right DNC instrument, and a pledge to be hostile to the GOP, would rehabilitate him.

In plain words, your opinion is based on opinion.

They’re not. Mueller knows his balls are going to be in a vise when William Barr becomes his boss and he would have been asked why he didn’t come out and dispute the claim when it arose.

William Barr may happen to consider Mueller a friend but I doubt seriously he will let friendships influence his belief in doing the right thing.

Yet the story was parroted on the MSM ALL DAY LONG, and as usual, each outlet used the phrase amounting to “IF THIS IS TRUE…” in order to cover their asses when it is discovered NOT to be true.

President Trump is 100% correct…the fake news media is the enemy of the people…and I would add “the enemy of the democratic process”.

The fake news media is collectively a giant shill for socialism/Marxism/communism that remains the goal of the “progressive” faction of our society.

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…and the Pulitzer Cracker Jacks Prize lost its credibility when Barrack Obama got one.

Yeah. That the Russians were colluding with Hillary and the DNC over their part of the dossier comes to mind. The Democrats font give a No Controlling Legal Authority worth of darns about that.


Enough, said. lol

Obama got a Pulitzer too? I thought he just got the Nobel.

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