This is what happens when morons have freedom

Your continued denigration of children demonstrates your real problem here, and I don’t see value in engaging your posts further.


Who would have known forcibly sterilized working families would not have gained any support here :rofl:

:roll_eyes: I was denigrating the parents? Jesus!

What makes you think the kids all have individual bedrooms?

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My great, great grandfather raised 9 kids by one wife and 7 by another. They did just fine.

Well the world wasn’t facing a population explosion crisis then was it? It was still irresponsible of him though.

How was it “irresponsible”? He produced no more children than he could support on his own.

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Cerberus is very vulnerable to propaganda and he has been suck in by the over population myth the global population could all live in Texas but it would be very cramped

He seems rather confused on a lot of subjects.

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I can’t come up with another answer for population explosion. I mean, we already have runaway 24/7 - 365 abortions, carpet bombings, chemical weapons, and serious environmental damage.

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The word “sprog” does not refer to the parents. Depending on which definition is used, it can be denigrating (rug rat/brat) or a term of endearment.

From the Urban Dictionary:

That’s just the TOP DEFINITION…

Read the others and you will find it is more often than not meant to denigrate the children.

Score one for the @Guvnah !

Oh. My mistake then…

Our three-headed dog was certainly using it as a term of endearment. (I can hear the song from the movie now.) Every post here was dripping with endearment!

Nay, nay, my friend. Methinks @cerberus despises children, likely for some personal reason. I won’t speculate on his childhood though…as I’m not sure it’s over yet.

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@asaratis is trying to educate me again - me, who worked in Fleet Street for many years. lol Lookee here, asaratis, this is a MESSAGEBOARD FFS(!), not a practice site for preparing theses. Now stop splitting grammatical hairs and get a life, or I’ll let you have the other barrel??

As irony would have it, I’ve just earned an Aficionado badge for posting consecutively every day for 3 months (I think it was) . . . maybe I should ‘get a life’? :rofl:

I see you got a Like for that post - wish I knew who gave it to you . . . :angry: :laughing:

If you have criticisms or observations about me, I’d appreciate it if you communicated them to me personally? Sort of ‘talk to me, not about me’? Actually it reminds me of my own observation about dumb people, viz. their only topic of conversation is talking about other people.

Oh, and now I see someone else is talking about me. I dunno whether to be annoyed :angry: or flattered :sunglasses:

Hilarious you’re talking about “intelligent people” as a way of patting yourself on the back yet you haven’t figured out how to click on the number of likes a given post has to see who left them.

:roll_eyes: Noted. How juvenile.

Well, you give us a lot to talk about.