This Is What Crazy Looks Like

“But when you really think about it — when someone says that it’s ‘too hard’ to do a green space that grows Yucca instead of, I don’t know, cauliflower or something — what you’re doing is that you’re taking a colonial approach to environmentalism, and that is why a lot of communities of color get resistant to certain environmentalist movements because they come with the colonial lens on them,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

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I read that earlier this morning. I still can’t figure out what she is trying to say.

I think “word salad” is the most appropriate term? :rofl:


I think "projectile stupidity’ is more apropos.

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Do you suppose that she thinks that Puerto Ricans living in the Bronx are indigenous people? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Well crap, I was thinking it was a picture of me… the title is wrong. I’m crazy… she’s stupid.

The stupidity of this woman and that of the constituents who elected her along with those breathlessly excusing and defending her is mind boggling.

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Best I can tell if you’re planting anything other than plants indigenous to the new world you are a closet Colonialist and Wannabe slave owner.

Mind mindbogglingly retarded.

I’m convinced she was elected for the same reasons Fair Haven, Vermont elected a goat for Mayor … as a joke.

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How can you tell the difference?

The goat has actual ideas.

They’re not? …