It just came up… surprisingly Biden is the only one saying that there is a 2nd Amendment
Beto just said he is going to confiscate weapons. The crowd cheered.
Fuck YES! Beto! Take our guns away! All of them! YEEEEEES do it!
It’s honestly impressive just how dumb they are on the subject. Come get em.
What’s pissing me off is that there are straight up clowns on that stage polling lower than Yang but somehow they are getting more questions and more airtime.
Jorge Ramos wants America to to be an open borders third world shithole and he’s trying to get Bident to agree to it.
Gay Mayor just said anyone who supports Trump on immigration is racist. He also said it in Spanish.
Ugh here comes the pandering Spanish again. Total cringe. What’s funny about it is it shows how much they are freaking out. Democrats lost their demographic base - the Middle Class. so now they have to pander based on race and hope that enough illegals turn out to vote for them…illegally.
Did they miss that article where communities that saw an influx of immigration were the ones that swung from Obama to Trump?
This fucking delusion is so irritating.
Hispanics are the biggest minority in America though, bigger than blacks even. They’re just thinking ahead.
Yang had a great response on the trade war with China. Keep the tariffs in place. Beat the Chinese up.
Mayor ■■■■■■ said he would keep the tariffs in place despite saying they are bad. What an idiot.
Bootygay would make ANY deal just so he could say a deal was made.
Warren: I want a bunch of effeminate homosexuals at the table to negotiate with people who run their citizens over with tanks. Good plan, Liz.
YouTube shows 460,000 + are watching this livestream, yet comments are disabled and and there are very few likes or dislikes to correlate that amount of viewers. Anybody think the number has been artificially inflated, or are people really tuning in to to watch these guys implode?
No one gives a shit about YouTube.
Warren was being kinda reasonable on Afghanistan.
We need to stop terrorists from Afghanistan from attacking us here!
Also, open immigration! American dream!
Oh and we need to bomb them, we need bases in Pakistan to bomb them!
Bernie sucks but I don’t disagree with him on the corruption of the banks, the media, and the ultra wealthy.
Yang: standardized tests don’t say anything about our human worth!
Bridges and buildings arent built on human worth, idiot.