There will be NO Third Temple in Jerusalem. Reason is simple

The coming of the (Jooish) messiah is closely associated with the reconstruction of the Third Temple in Jerusalem.

Sorry. King Herod beat him to it.
TEMPLE OF HEROD - ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

Unless, of course, you claim King Herod was the messiah. And that’s fine with me.

In order for Prophecy to be fulfilled, a third temple over the current threshing floor site to which currently sits a mosque has to be built. The Anti-Christ will be identified as such by occupying the temple just like Antiocus did

King Herod basically destoyed the 2nd Temple, did a major overhaul and built his 3rd one. Therefoe, there won’t be any 3rd Temple. So much for the Jooish messiah or Anti-Christ.

According to Jooish tradition, however, there will be two Jooish messiahs. First one is the Meshiakh ben-Joseph. (Descendant of the tribe of Ephrain who was the leading tribe in the Northern Kingdom of Israel, who disappeared during / after the Babylonian captivity. Some Asian nations claim that they are descended from the lost Ten Tribes of Israel, including the Pashtuns of Afghanistan and the Japanese. LOL)

The Second will be the Meshiakh ben-David, from the tribe of Judah. However, today’s Ashkenazi (European) Joos are not from the tribe of Judah.

I read recently that before this whole conflict started, the Israelis were playing with cattle genetics and were finally able to have their coveted “Red Heifer” delivered, which kicked off this whole mess.

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…and right on time… here they come!!

Explain. Or are you just someone who likes using pronouns.




Well, I do hope the weather in Tel Aviv is nice. Hopefully you are being paid well by Hasbara.

Here is a link you won’t read referencing my post that you are attempting to derail.

Thank you. :roll_eyes:



Sure thing! I can see that the link hasn’t been clicked. Don’t bother informing yourself. Just post derailing comments freely, with careless abandon.

No problem.


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It’s an interesting sign to say that the Jooish messiah is coming.

As for the temple in Jerusalem, the Israelis got everything backwards. First the messiah comes, according to Jooish oral tradition, gathers the children of Israel from around the world leading to the Holy Land, and builds the temple.

The situation is not like that.
The Rothschilds create Zionism, start financing migration of Joos to Palestine in the 19th century, create a fake, pidgin Hebrew, ally with Nazi Germany to get mass migration of Joos from Eastern Europe, build the State of Israel, chase Palestinians away by planned genocide to steal land, and now are faking a messiah to justify the rebuilding of the temple.

This is a somewhat old article from Jooish sources which says Ashkenazi (European) Joos are Turks, not descended from ancient Israel.

The Hasidics in the US also state that the Zionists are at odds with the Talmud since true adherents of Judaism are not allowed to establish a sovereign state.

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There was no holocaust. Either they all “died” or magically all survived. The latter appears to be the case.

Prior to WWII, Zionists from Germany and Eastern Europe used the Haavara Agreement to establish the initial footprint of the current state of Israel, then through acts of Irgun terrorism against the British, they established the current state of Israel and the Palestinian territory.

I guess you believe Kristal Nacht and the Holocaust was on Hollwood sound stages and on set lots. You aldo believe the Holocaust Museum has fake items and pictures to MANUFACTURE the Fake Holocaust and the Nuremburg trials were made for movie theaters.

If it was an extermination, how come there are so many “holocaust survivers” running around and preaching truth.

Luckily, there are less of them now. But instead there’re children of holocaust survivors. Enough already.

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The Nazi “final solution” to the Jooish problem was mass migration or transfer (In Hebrew, ha-avara) of Eastern European Joos. Germans, including German Joos, despised East European Joos and considered them hopeless for western civilization.

Hitler was appalled at what happened during the night, and he inspected the crime scenes in Berlin and he swore the criminals would be arrested and properly punished.

Strange to say, he never meant to harm Joos, despite the abundant propaganda. A lot of atrocities were committed in Eastern Europe, no doubt, but the perpetrators were often (western) Ukrainians, Stalinist Russians, etc., etc.

Adolf Eichman, a high-ranking Nazi, who was Jooish and spoke Yiddish fluently, went to Palestine to negotiate the terms of acceptance of millions of Joos from Eastern Europe.

Camps were set up for smooth transfer of these Joos. The British opposed such migration, because they knew these Jooish migrants were overwhelmingly pro-German and the Brits feared they would lose their foothold in Palestine.

Israelis arrested Eichman and proptly executed him because he knew all the truths about the Holohoax.